The Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Created by: elshooper
  • Created on: 14-04-18 18:43

Causes: Fidel Castro

  • 1959 - Fidel Castro took power in Cuba.
  • He nationalised American companies in Cuba.
  • In retaliation, the US stopped all aid to Cuba and all imports of Cuban sugar.
  • Castro asked the Soviet Union for help and started to build economic links. They became trading partners.
  • Castro became a communist.
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Causes: The Bay of Pigs incident 1961

  • April 1961 - the CIA trained, armed and transported 1,300 Cuban exiles to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs.
  • The invasion was supposed to look like a Cuban revolt
  • Kennedy was told the Cubans would support the revolt because they hated Castro
  • Castro knew of the invasion in advance and they were met by 20,000 of Castro's troops
  • The US-backed troops surrendered
  • Most Cubans didn't want Batista back because he had been corrupt
  • They failed and Kennedy was humiliated.
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Causes: Soviet missiles in Cuba

  • Castro saw Soviet missiles as a great way of keeping the USA from invading
  • October 1962 - American spy planes discovered suspected Soviet missile sites in Cuba.
  • America had missiles in Turkey, in range of the Soviet Union.
  • It was the start of a crisis that took the world to the brink of a nuclear holocaust.
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Naval Blockade

  • Kennedy decides on a naval blockade to stop Soviet ships delivering nuclear missiles.
  • Khrushchev warned that the Soviet Union would see this as an act of war.
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Ending of the crisis

  • Secretly, America suggested that it would dismantle its missile bases in Turkey if the Soviets did the same in Cuba.
  • Khrushchev sent 2 telegrams. The first offered to dismantle the Cuban bases if Kennedy lifted the blockade and promised not to invade Cuba. The second demanded they dismantle the Turkish bases.
  • During negotiations, an American spy plane was shot down over Cuba.
  • Kennedy ignored the attack, and agreed publicly to the first telegram, and secretly to the second. The crisis was over.
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Short-term consequence

  • Communist Cuba survived, Kennedy gave assurance the USA would not invade
  • Soviet Union looked weak as the USA's removal of missiles from Turkey was unknown
  • Undermined Khruschev and Brezhnev replaced him in 1964
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Long-term consequences

  • The USA initiated a move to detente
  • Hotline Agreement created a direct communication link between Moscow and Washington
  • Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963) banned all nuclear weapons testing underground
  • Kennedy gave a speech about working with the USSR to focus on 'common interests' (1963)
  • The Soviet Union caught up in the arms race (1965) resulting in Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD
  • Outer Space Treaty (1967) limited deployment of nuclear weapons into space
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968) prevented nuclear weapons being given to other countries
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