T1 Connectivity


T1 Connectivity - router and network media

A router is used to connect two networks together. Wireless adapters allow wireless connections to be made. Most homes use a Wi-Fi router with an inbuilt modem.

A network interface card (NIC) allows a computer to connect to a network;

  • There will be a socket on the card for a cable to connect to.
  • Laptops are likely to have their NIC intergreated into the motherboard.

The network media is the method used to connect computers or devices to a netowrk or the Internet.

Network media technologies include;

  • Ethernet - wired        |      Wi-fi - wireless        |    Bluethooth - wireless
  • Fibre - wired             |     Mobile (cell) network - Wireless - 1G, 2G, 3G, 3.5G/HSPA, 4G/LTE, 5G


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T1 Connectivity - wired connections and Hardware

A number of wired connections exist outside of networks which are used to connect to peripheral devices together;

  • USB- Universal Serial Bus     |  HDMI- High Def Multimedia Interface |   USB3    |   USB2
  • VGA- Video Graphics Array   |  DVI Digital Visual Interface   |  USB C   |   Display Port

Hardware for wifi networks;

PCs, Tablets, Smartphones, Smart Tv, or other Internet of things (IOT) devices and (NIC) cards can aslo be used

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T1 Connectivity - Network Hardware and Connection

Network Hardware;

Wireless Access Point (WAP) to recieve the Wi-Fi signals, Switch to connect to the internet, In home networjs the network hardware is often contained in just one box.

Bluethooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly over short distances;

  • It works between two enabled devices and dosen't need other additional network equipment.
  • Can usually only be used up to 10m unless it's a high powered device then up to 100m
  • A bluetooth connection is encrypted connection

Connection speeds - Upload and Download;

  • The upload speed is how quickly data is transferred from a computer/network to the Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • The donload speed is how quickly data is transferred from ISP to a computer / network
  • For home connections, the download speed is normally faster for download as people consume more data than they produce.
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T1 Connectivity - Different speeds and Network nee

The affects of different speeds:

  • Speeds that are too slow may mean that individulas can't use online services such as banking or streaming TV
  • Businessess may not be able to use cloud services.

Home network:

Home networks only have a few usersa t anytime | Normally close to WiFi | The speed of Wi-Fi is therefore normally fast enough and easier to setup than laying cable through a house. Connecting a Tv or games console wth an thernet cable may be worthwhile to free up Wi-Fi bandwidth though.

 Buisness Network;

More users require faster connections. Many wirelesss access points would be required to cope |  Reliablility may be critical which makes ethernet preferable  |  Office building can usually be easier to lay new cables in.


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