Specialisation and the Division of Labour

  • Created by: MRH__98
  • Created on: 18-06-16 16:18


  • The division of labour occurs when a job or task is broken into separate operations.
  • This will make the task easier and quicker to perform.
  • By organising the workforce output can be significantly increased for a given number of workers.
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How the division of labour can increase output

  • Specialised staff can produce items of higher quality.
  • Employees will become more skilled at their tasks, reducing the chances of them making mistakes.
  • The time taken for a worker to move from one task to another is reduced.
  • Less training is needed due to the repetitive nature of work.
  • Staff can be replaced by machines with ease.
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Disadvantages of specialisation

  • Employees could become demotivated by repetitive work and the lack of training.
  • Employees are likely to demand higher wages for their specialisation.
  • Abilities are limited to a specific set of skills.
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How the division of labour affects stakeholders


  • More efficient output may reduce the company's costs, allowing greater profits.
  • Lowers training costs.
  • Possible costs of labour turnover.


  • Higher quality products can be sold at cheaper prices because of lower output costs.


  • Staff could become bored.
  • May receive higher or lower pay.
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