

SOUND - encoding & file size

Sound: Oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid or gas

How sound is represented and encoded

  • 1. Sound is picked up by a recording  device  (e.g. microphone)
  • 2. This moves a magnet  that is attached to a diaphragm  on the microphone
  • 3. The sound is represented by voltage changes
  • 4. This information is input  into an ADC
  • 5. The ADC converts this into digital format
  • 6. Users can save  the sound but compression is recommended

File size of sound = Bit rate * Length of sound in seconds

Bit rate = Sound resolution * Sample rate

Sample rate = 2 * frequency

  • Higher sampling rate = bigger the file size
  • Higher sampling resolution = more accurate sound, reduces the quantization error
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SOUND - features in software in practice

  • Can edit start and stop time
  • Pitch alteration
  • Filters - removing background noise 
  • Fade in and fade out
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