Sociology GCSE - Social Inequalty

Condensed information from the AQA revision guide.

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 20-06-11 14:26

Social Inequality - Unequal distribution of resources such as power and wealth, and opportunities. E.g. Working class have less power and wealth than the middle class.

Social Stratification - The way different groups in society are organised in different unequal levels. E.g. Hierarchy 

Types of stratification:

- Caste System

- Slavery

- Apartheid

- Social Class System

Open System of stratification - social mobility is possible.

Whereas in a closed system of stratification this is highly unlikely.

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Example Answer - Explain What sociologists mean by

Social inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources such as money and power. Some Individuals and groups in society have more influence and wealth than others. It also refers to the unequal distribution of life chances or opertunities related to things like health, education and employment. In Britain today, social inequalities are linked to class, gender, ethnicity and age.

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Life Chances and social class case studies

Life chances - Peoples chances of having positive or negative outcomes over their lifetime such as education, health, income, employment and housing.

Life chances are affected by social factors such as class, gender and ethnicity. For example a person in middle class is more likely to have better health care than someone in working class, as the middle class have the money and opportunity to go private if the need it.

Case studies:

Karl Marx - He says there are two classes; the working and the ruling class. The ruling class have all the money while the working have nothing and have to work for the ruling class to survive. This creates conflict of interest between the two classes.

Max Webber - He says there are four classes; property owners, professionals, Petty bourganeoisie and the working class. All the classes have different life chances based on factors such as wealth. Status and power have big influences on this.

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Great key points, Thanks :)

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