Social Policy


Social Policies

Social Policy - plans and actions of the government agencies. 

China's 1-child policy was introducted in 1979 = reduce China's population
Preference of boys = would look after the family, as well as be an economic asset
Impact on girls = sex-related aborions, murders and abandoments 
Break of agreement = sanctions 
Demographic implications = 120males:100 females 

Nazi family policy  introcued in the 1930's to encourage 'radically pure' and 'maser race'
Kept women out of the work force, in order to enforce home, church and performing of their biological role
Steralised 375,000 diabled people = unfit to breed

Democrattic societies eg. Britain
Family is a private sphere, to which government shouldn't intervene.
Others believe this is also shaping families.

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Perspectives on families & Social Policies

Functionalists: it's a concious perspective which sees the state as acting in the best interest of all members of the society, thus sees policies as helping families.
Critisised :Assumes everyone benefits equally as well as they assume a 'March of Progress' has occured.

Feminists: See social policies as benefiting men, by eg. maternity leave being avaiable for women to keep her out of the workforce. 
Evaluation: Not all policies are aimed at maintaing patriachy. eg. Equal Pay Act or **** within marriage

Marxists: policies can overturn progress made eg. EMA introduced by the labour government for the W/C to keep them in education, taken down by the next rulling party. 

New Right: Have considarable influence, but also have very much traditional looks on the family, hence eg. are against same-sex marriage. 
Critisms: Feminists would argue that they try to bring back traditional patriachal roles, undermine women. 
Wrongly assumes that patrichal family is 'natural' rather than socially constructed. 

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UK government

1979-1997 = CONSERVATIVE 

  • Banned teaching of homosexuality
  • Set up Child support agency in order to make sure fathers paid for their children

1997-2010 = LABOUR

  • In favour of women working (longer maternity leaves for both parents)
  • Working families tax credits 
  • 'New deal' - help lone parents return to work
  • Supported diversity
  • Adoption rights for gay couples
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