Scrutiny & Accountability


Scrutiny & Accountability

  • The government scrutinises the actions of the executive and ensures government accountability by requiring ministers to explain and justify their actions.
  • Ministers who mislead parliament may be required to resign
  • A number of routes for scrutinising the executive are available to MPs in the chamber.
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Question Time

  • Government ministers face questions from MPs on the floor of th House.
  • The parliamentary timetable includes question sessions for ministers from each government department.
  • Prime Ministers Questions takes place each Wednesday for half an hour at noon.
  • This provides an opportunity for the leader of the opposition, the leader of the third largest party and backbenchers selected by the speaker to question the Prime Minister on a matter of their choosing.
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The Opposition

  • The largest party not included in the government (Labour).
  • The opposition government is expected to:-oppose many of the governments legislative proposals,-Harry the government throughout the legislative process by tabling amendments and forcing votes.
  • The opposition will also try to appear as an alternative governtment-in-waiting.
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