Russia 1924-1945

  • Created by: sophie
  • Created on: 30-05-18 16:10

Power struggle after Lenin's death

Stalin                                                                                                                                             Strengths:More cautious, he had lots of supporters as he helped to appoint people     Weaknesses: Lenin's opinion of him in his testament, uninspiring public speaker known as the 'grey blur'

Trotsky                                                                                                                                  Strengths: Led the red army, Lenin's opinion of him in his testament                            Weaknesses: Too ambitious, wanted worlwide communist domination

Who else could have taken over after Lenin's death?

  • Zinoviev
  • Kamenev
  • Rykov
  • Tomsy
  • Bukharin
  • Zherzinsky
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Stalin's collectivisation of agriculture


  • Increase grain production
  • Make farming more efficient
  • To free up workers for industry                                                                                      Methods:
  • Forced, peasants were given no choice and had to go into colllective farms called Kolkhoz
  • Peasants who refused were sent to Gulags (labour camps)                                         Successes:
  • Farming output increased
  • Increased literacy and education level
  • More rights for women                                                                                                    Failures:
  • Short-term starvation
  • 5 million people died of famine in the early years
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Stalin's five year plans


  • To catch up with other countries
  • To do so quickly
  • To make the USSR strong                                                                                             Methods:
  • Set five year targets for all sectors of industry                                                           Successes:
  • Production increased
  • Russia kept factories running during WW2                                                                       Failures:
  • Safety was not considered
  • Many of the workers were forces labourers
  • Workers were shot for not meeting their targets or working hard enough
  • Poor quality of living
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How did Stalin rule?

Stalin's purges and show trials:

  • The point was to ruin their reputation and make them confess to crimes they had not done
  • Some were accused of being American and German spies
  • Some were accused of plotting against Stalin and the governement
  • Stalin even murdered leaders who had left the country 

Stalin's cult of personality:

  • Faked photos showing Lenin and Stalin together
  • Rewriting history books to glorify his role in the civil war
  • Posters and statues of Stalin
  • Removal of Trotsky from history
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WW2 for the USSR

World war two lasted from 1939-1945. In the USSR it was known as the great patriotic war and lasted from 1941 to 1945.

Successes of the USSR in WW2

  • Battle of Stalingrad
  • Battle of Kursk
  • 900 day seige of Leningrad
  • Evacuation project to protect people and resources
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Key terms and individuals - Russia 1924-1945

  • Kulak - Slightly better off peasant
  • Magnitogorsk - New industrial city that was a show project
  • NKVD - the name of Stalin's secret police
  • Alexi Stakhanov - Famous record breaking coal miner who was rewarded as an example of hero workers
  • Sergei Kirov - The communist leader who was shot, his death sparked the purges and show trials
  • Gosplan - Wrote the five year plans
  • Kolkhoz - The collective farms 
  • Gulag- Forces labour camp
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