research methods

  • Created by: Lndavies
  • Created on: 16-05-19 16:47


This refers to the consistency of the findings.

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internal reliality and how you would test it

refers to the consistency of the results of a test across items within the test. do split half method to see if you get the same results in the second half of the test.

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external reliablity and the test for it

refers to the extent to which the a test cores varies from one to another. for this do a test retest to see if the result you get on the first test is the same as what you would get on another test.

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inter-rater reliablity

to avoid observer bias. two observers need to observe behaviour and correlate them to see if they are similar.

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validity and things that effect it

this is seeing how accurate a piece of research is at measuring what it says its meauring. if there is lots of extraneous variables then the IV may be effected by it. 

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what is high internal validty

if there are high degrees of control and no extraneous variale it has high internal validity.

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external validity

if the research has been done in a real life setting it has high external validty so it can be geneeralised

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face validity

how good the test looks to be at what it is supposed to be testing 

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construct validity

where a test measures the behaviour it sets out to measure 

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concurrent validity

where a test give the same result as another study which claims to measure the same behaviour 

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criterion validty

how much one measure predicts the value of another measure

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population validity

how accurately the test measurees behaiour that can be generalised to the wider population.

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ecological validity

where the test can be conconsidered to replicate real life settings 

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thurston scales

where the particpants must select which statements apply to them 

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likerst scale

where the particpants are asked to rate how they feel about something 

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semantic differrential scale

where they are asked to rate items on opposing pairs 

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event sampling

the observer record every behaviour that ocurrs 

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time point sampling

where the observer records things at fixed intervals

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time event sampling

where a fixed period of time is set forr the observation 

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counter balancing

§   is used when the same participants take part in each experimental condition. It involves the first half of the participants taking part in the first part of the experiment and the second taking part in the second and then switching to eliminate order effects.

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one tailed hypothesis

predicts a change and says in which way the direction will go 

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two tailed hypothesis

will predict a change but wont say in which direction it will go in 

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the capacity to prove something wrong and prove the hypothesis wrong 

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having general laws to stick to. eg; ethics 

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rules for parametric testing

normal distribution

variances should be equal 

interval data

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nominal data

shows catagories of behaviour and how oftern the occur. eg frequency table 

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ordinal data

shows each individual scores so they can be ranked 

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interval data

tells you differnces between individuals with measurement such as time.

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research report

  • title
  • abstract 
  • introduction
  • method, which contains design, particpants, materials and procedure 
  • results 
  • discussion
  • references 
  • apendix
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harvard references

  • surname 
  • initial
  • year
  • source/ publisher
  • volume 
  • page number 
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