Religious studies section 1


The Bible as a source of moral authority

Bible=the holy book of christians made up of an old and new testament

Source of Moral authority=something that can teach us how to live and guide us when making decisions 

Why is the Bible a good source of moral authority?

-Word of God "all scriptures inspired by god"timothy 3:16

-Contains rules passed down from god to his people such as the decalogue "do not kill"

-Contains techings of jesus such as Golden rule as christians believe hes the son of god these teachings should be followed 

-It contains life teachings and actions of jesus which should be followed by christians as they ask"what would jesus do?"

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Bible as a bad source of moral authority

-Contains out of date teachings especially regarding women"women not permited to speak in church"

-doesnt directly deal with modern day issues such as ginetic engineering and ivf 

-although its the word of god it was written by people and as such contains mistakes 

-contridicts itself saying "do not kill"but allows the death penalty for certain acts 

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Church as a source of moral authority

Church=Community of christians with a small c means christian place of worship

Why is the church a good source of moral authority?

-Jesus gave peter(first pope) the keys to the kingdom same authority is present in popes today

"you are peter,the rock on which i will build my you will be given the keys to the kingdom"

-Teachings regulary updated and can be applicable to modern day issues such as ginetic engineering and ivf 

-Contains wisdom of the apostles The holy spirit has guided the church in choice of leaders similary jesus chose the apostles so church teaching has authoity 

-uses a combination of bible teachings;science and reason:wisdom of saints to make rules it teaches 

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Church as a bad source of moral authority

-Doesnt come directly from god therefore may contain mistakes 

-Bible is better as it comes straight  from god 

-You have to study church teachings closely to interpret their meaning conscience is a better source as its always with you ready to be applied to issues 

-The church has got things worng in the past like not speaking out against slavery maybe its got teachings on homosexuality wrong to and will change teachings in the future 

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Conscience as a source of moral authority

Conscience is the inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action 

why is it a good source?

-Believed it comes straight from god so we should follow it not like the bible or catecism thats been interpreted.

-Always with you and everyone has one unlike the bible/catechism 

-Pope benedict xvi th said an 'informed conscience'is the best tool for moral decision making we inform our conscience by refering to bible/church teachings so its comprehensive source of moral authority.

-Famous saints such as augustine and thomas aquinas all agreed the conscience had authority and should be listened to 

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Conscience as a bad source of moral authority

-Some people may mistake it for mental health like the yorkshire ripper claimed his conscience told him to murder prostitutes 

-If everyone followed their conscience then it would descend into choas rather than following the bible or other alternative sources

-Might lead to immoral actions being commited such as abortion or euthanasia whereas church teachings are less likely to 

-Conscience may clash with bible teachings or church teachings how can we be sure we're doing the right thing????

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Situation ethics as a source of moral authority

The idea christians should base moral decisions on what the most loving thing to do is 

Why is it a good source?

-Some say jesus broke rules to do the most loving thing he healed the man with the paralysed hand 

-Jesus said the greatest commandment was love situation ethics allows this at the heart of making moral decisions 

-Situation ethics puts people before laws seen as a fairer way of making decisions unlike the bible/church teaching 

-Asses the individual situation can be seen as  a fairer way to make moral decisions because it takes all facts into account like abortion within cases of 

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Why situation ethics is a bad source

-Leads to immoral actions being performed eg abortion and euthanasia 

-The theory we should do most loving thing -how do we know wether its te most loving thing?

-People should follow rules set by God eg ten commandments as guidelines for life 

-May lead to worst consequences as it judges every individual situation in cases such as **** may allow abortion but may lead to mum dying in surgery and her child could of had the cure to cancer

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Why might some christians use a variety of sources

-All sources have god as the ultimate authority so not seen as bad to combine all sources 

-Moral decisions tend to be complex so having a variety of sources can help a christian make informed and detailed decisions 

-Many christians say all four sources should be used in decision making as all can help inform our conscience so we make decisions in accordance with gods will

-No source is free from negative points there is no perfect source so we  should use a combination as theres more emphasis on free will on autonomy so many christians dont feel bound by rules of the bible or church

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Human rights

The rights and freedoms in which everyone is entitled 

Is the Human rights act of 1998 a good thing?


-Protects people-giving them a basic quality of life eg food education and shelter

-Means people cant be treated less favouravle because of their gender colour race sexuality or religion

-Stops corruption in the criminal justice system make sure people have fair trials 

-keeps people safe corporal punishment in schools no longer happens 

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-To soft on criminals like learnaco chindamo an italian teenager who stabbed his head teacher who was sentenced and sent to jail but human rights meant he couldnt be deported he appealed and they said he could remain in the uk 

-Should suspected terrorists be gived human rights?isnt national security more important 

-Some people believe that the act has led to a culture of compensation where people try and get money if there human rights have been violated 

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Importance of human rights for christians

-Human rights help establish justice "act justly love tenderly"

-Basic teachings like golden rule and decalogue link to human rights "do not kill"protects the right to property

-Many famous christians have tried to uphold the basic human rights of people eg MLK

mother teresa they spent  their lives working for human rights 

-Christians believe were all made in the image of god and as such they deserve respect human rights laws show respect to people 

"human rights universal and invioable"

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How can human rights cause problems for christians

-Catholics dont accept women priests this could infring her right to equality in the workplace 

-Dont accept a catholic priest to be married ad found a family 

-Some christians wouldnt accept a civil partnership this could be seen as discrimination or an infringment of a homosexuals right to marry

-Wouldnt accept homosexual couples to apply for adoption infringing their right to raise a family 

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Why is it important to take part in democratic and

Uk is a democracy and therefore everyone has a say and can influece the governments policies and work for social change by joining a political party/pressure group/speaking directly to an mp 

Whys it important to vote?


-Government policies affect you directly -ensure these policies are fair and just

-The government are in charge of public services such as NHS and schools

its important you have your say regarding these 

-People died to get the vote -disrespectful not to vote in their memory 

-"A small group of thoughful people can change the world indeed its the only thing that ever has"Margaret Mead

-How can you complain if you dont use your vote?

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-Politicians dishonest lot of manifestos change if they gain power

-Corrupt politicians that arent necesarily interested in welfare of all people so why bother?

-Politics can be seen as boring 

-Some say political parties are the same nowadays so it doesnt matter who you vote for they all want the same thing 

-Some say their vote cant make a difference so they simply dont bother

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Christian teachings on moral duties and responsibi

Golden rule -treat people as you wish to be treated-most people want to be treated with fairness and respect dignity and integrity you must treat others like that

This may apply to voting because if a new policy is being introduced if you would want to be treated like that vote for it otherwise dont for everybodys well being 'working for common good'

Parable of the sheep and goats-"whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me"

you have a duty of care for others we must vote a political partie that cares and takes care of the most vulnerable in society challenge laws that do otherwise 

Story of cana and abel-"am i my brothers keeper"you are responsible for others must vote laws that work for the common good and not just laws that help us 

Greatest commandment-"love thy neighbour"-we are called to love each other with agape love 

we must vote political parties that promote a message of fairness and justice/love 

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Genetic engineering/cloning


-Can help poverty and hunger with development of disease eg drought resitant crops such as kenyan sweet potato 

-Can help get rid of life threatening diesases and therfore reduce pain and suffering in the world such as tracy treansgenic sheep for cystic fibrosis cure 

-Can help us progress scientifically- learn more about nature of life and all its forms 

-Human genome project can help us to see if we are potentially liable to suffer from a disorder we can then adjust and live our lifestyle accordingly lung cancer-no smoking 

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-We dont yet know the long term consequences 

-Could be used for the wrong reasons to create weapons of mass destruction

-Could be the start of a slipery slope for eugenics eventually creating perfect beings or the perfect race like what hitler wanted

-Treats life cheaply reduces stauts of comodities to be used and abused by the scientists involved 

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Different christian attitudes to genetic engineeri

liberal protestants :>generally relaxed 

-Guided by situation ethics they say it gets rid of pain and suffering a definite act of love links to greatest commandment 

-Jesus was a healer-ginetic engineering helps heal

-Cells used are human life but just simply a collection of cells-14 days can be seen as potential human life but hefa doesnt allow ginetic engineering on embryos over 14 days old so it isnt a problem

-Not against god they say its god given technology why not use it?

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catholic attitude

catholics have a conservative approach :}

-Happy to accept if used on plants and animals as it cures disease an act of love and golden rule 

-Its helping and healing people jesus was a healer all disciples are called to imitate jesus 

-If involves embryos cannot be allowed ccc2270 no difference between a 1 day or 14 day old embryo all need protecting

-Any medical procedures that attack dignity of human life go ahainst gods will when playing god by ginetic engineering its very wrong and treats life cheaply 

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Evangelical protestant attitude

strict views 

-Guided by the bible -doesnt mention ginetic engineering as its a modern piece of technology and yet doenst state gods involvment in life so they follow teachings to men that ginetic engineering isnt allowed 

-May heal but still playing god only he has the right to create life 

-Look at bibles teaching on life and many based on sancity of life we shouldnt mess around with holy life 

-The only perfect place is heaven earth shouldnt be perfect therfore we should accept imperfcetions as part of gods plan 

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A few quotes to revise

-"Act justly love tenderly"

-"All scriptures inspired by god"

-greatest commandment -"love thy neighbour"

-golden rule 

-"women not permitted to speak in church"

-Am i my brothers keeper 


-"whatever you do to the least of my borthers you do to me"

-"You are the rock peter on which i will build my you will be given the keys to the kingdom"

-"A human being must obey the certain judgemnt of his conscience if he were to deliberately act aginst it  he would condem himself"

-Margaret mead"a group of thoughtful people could change the world indeed its the only thing that ever has"

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by Eleanor Gough

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