Religious Studies


10.3.6 The meaning of the Eucharist (1)

For the Easten European Orthodox and Catholic Churches the meaning of the Eucharist is that:

1) The bread and wine become the body and blood, of Jesus.

2) Gives spritual norishment to the congregation, by recieving it this grace they believe they are strenghed in their faith.

3) It is celebrated followibg the actin of the words of

4) Jesus during the Last Supper and remembering the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

For the Nonconformist Churches the meaning of the Eucharist is that:

1) Holy Communion is a commemoration of the Last Supper, meaning that the bread and wine do not change, they are symbols of Jesus' presence.

2) Holy Communion brings unity, as the worshippers share one Body of Christ.

3) The Holy Communion gives spiritual nourishment, filllings Christians with presence of Christ.

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10.3.6 The meaning of the Eucharist (2)

The Salvation Army and the Quakers have no Eucharist and no sacraments because:

1) They believe Jesus is the only priest so there is no need for rituals. Especially as rituals have caused divison betwen Christian denomination.

2) They believe worship should be direct contact with God. So theres no need for symbols such the bread and wine.

3) They bellieve they can live spritual lives without the use of sacraments.


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10.3.8 Christmas

Christmas is important to Catholics because:

1) It celebrates the birth of Jesus, this is important because, without the birth of Jesus there would be no Christianality.

2) It celebrates the incarnation, as Christians believe that before the incarnation it was only posible to have a partial relationship with God. However because of the incarnation, the power of sin was cancelled and we now have a full reationship with God.

3) It allows Catholics to fee united and celebrate as a worldide community threfore, becoming a more stronnger unity.

4) it is a time for families to remember the Holy Family and reflect on their own family during this joyful period.

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10.4.4 Woking for social and community cohesion

WHY Christians are involved in working for social and community cohesion?

1) In the Parable of the Good Samaritian, Jeus taught that Christians should love their neighbour regardless of their race, religion.

2) St Peter had a vision from God where he believed God was shwoing him that God treats all races the same

3) St Paul taught that as God created akl nation from one man Adam, therefore all race are equal to eachother

4) In order for there to be harmony, ana a world that is peaceful, they must work for ssocial and community cohesion

HOW Christians are involved in working for social and community cohesion?            1) The Catholic Education Service, make sure Catholic schools teach about non‐Christian faiths.Sso that Catholics are more tolerant and understandi other faiths

2) By having friends from different faiths and ethnic groups, supports social and community cohesion because,they are open to different cultures

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10.4.5 Ten Commandments

Christians use the ten Commandments as a guide for living because:

1) They are precise lists of rules that are expected from God. On how to live a good life, for example honouring the Sabbath day.

2) If Christians follow them, theyw ill have a good relation with God and their neighbours therefore, following God's will.

3) Help make you a better person and the world a better place by following the commandments such as 'you shall not steal'.

4) Historically, the commandments are the basis for many of the UK laws such as 'you shall not kill'

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10.4.6 Sermon of the mount - Law of Moses

How do Christians use the teaching as a guide of living:

1) If Christians find themelves thinking about violent thougths about others. Jesus taught they should seek recocilation and forgivenes because, being angry is the same response that can lead to murder.

2) They should be pacifists instead react in an non-violent way and even pray for them

3) If someone tries to slap you, then they should turn the other cheek

Why do Christians use the teaching as a guide of living:

1) The teachings of Jesus come from God and must therefore be followed, it is given in more deatil making it easier to understand

2) Jesus said that thoughts are as important as their actions, for example: having lustful thoughts is as bad as phsyically doing it

3) Jesus realised that his disciples needed this teaching and, if it was needed then it must be needed now

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10.4.2 How & why Christians show their vocation

How Christians show vocation in daily life and work?

1) By choosing a caring profession such as a doctor, teacher

2) By sharing the message of Jesus for example being a catechist, teacher

3) By getting married, marriage is a vocation because, the couple choose to have God's blesing and promise to bring up their children in a christian family

4) By treating each other how they would like to be treated is following what the Church wants them to do

Why Christians show vocation in daily life and work?

1)They believe vocation is about their whole life and that they therefore, need to show they are  serving God in all that they do.                                                                                          2) Christian vocation cannot be restricted to church or Sundays, it must be in everything they do. 3) They believe when Jesus asked his discples to go and 'baptise all nations;' he meant they should show their Christian faith in everything they do

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10.4.1 Vocation

Vocation is important to Catholics because:

1) Following your vocation is one way to achieve salvation.  

2) It means that Chritians must do what God calls them to do, in the same way Jesus listened to His Fathers.

3) By following a vocation Christians are doing what God wants them to do, and also they are bringing more people to God by their example.

4) It shows that God really has a special plan for all us.

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10.3.9 Lent

Lent is important to Catholics because:

1) It is the time Catholics concentrate on improving their lives, by for example donating money to CAFOD who help the least fortunate.

2) It is the time Catholics recieve the sacrament of Reconcilation and hope that by becoming better Christians they will recieve salvation

3) They give up something, to follow the actions of Jesus for 40 days

4) Time of prayer and reflection before Easter Sunday where he rose from the dead

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10.3.10 Holy week

Holy week is important to Catholics because:

1) Holy Week inspires Catholics to think about their role in the world, especially when they are asked to stand up for others.

2) It reminds them of the salvation Jesus brought. This is important, because it was the death of Jesus that overcame sin.

3) It reminds Catholics of the suffering Jesus experienced. This is important because, it will give Catholics the strengh to cope with the suffering they may face.

4) Catholics renew and deepen their faith in Jesus, through remembering the events of Holy Week for example: the Last Supper.

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10.3.11 Easter

Easter is important to Catholics because:

1) It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which is the ultinmate proof that Jesus is realy God, because no one but God could rise from the dead.

2) It prove that there is eternal life. Since Jesus rose from the dead, his faithful follower are assured that they too will have eternal life.

3) It celebrates Jesus' victory over death and evil, which is why Catholics are often baptised on Easter Sunday.

4) Easter proves that the predictions Jesus made about his death were true, showing that God really is omniscient

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10.4.10 How Catholic organisations relieve poverty

The St Vincent de Paul society helps to relieve poverty by:

1) Visiting and providing personal care. This relieves poverty because, they are abke to get free advice.

2) Furniture stores. This relieves poverty because it provides unwanted furnitur, which can be used when housing a homeles person. They are following Matthew's teaching that the 'riches should help the poor'.

3) Drop in centres. To allow homeless or lonely people a chance to socialise with others. By them doing so they are obeying Jesus' greatest commandmenrt to 'love your neighbour'.

4) Housing associations. This relieves poverty because, they are providing affordable housing for over crowding people

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10.4.3 Vocation by taking Holy Orders

Why do men take Holy orders?

Men take Holy Orders because:

1) It is their vocation, as special calling from God 

2) It is a calling that they could not ignore and Catholics believe vocations should not be ignored

3) They feel called to serve the needs pof the people in their own parish

4) They want to spread the word of the Lord as Jesus said to the discples 'baptise all nations'

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10.4.7 Sermon of the mount - Displaying religion

How Christians use the teaching as a guide of living?

1) When fasting or giving to chairty, they should not make a display of what they are doing,

2) Worshipping God is a priavte action taht is to be performed that only God should know

Why Christians use the teaching as a guide of living?

1) It is the teaching of Jesus, which is from God and must therefore be followed, Jesus, as God's Son, is the best person to show Christians how to worship his father

2) Explains Christians should show love for God when they worship, rather than love of prublic praise

3) Is a good guide o how to pray, for example the 'Our Father' unites all Christian denominations

4) Can be used to tell Christians what they mut not do and theat they must show love of God in a private way

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10.3.1 Easter

Easter is important to Catholics because:

1) It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which is the ultinmate proof that Jesus is realy God, because no one but God could rise from the dead.

2) It prove that there is eternal life. Since Jesus rose from the dead, his faithful follower are assured that they too will have eternal life.

3) It celebrates Jesus' victory over death and evil, which is why Catholics are often baptised on Easter Sunday.

4) Easter proves that the predictions Jesus made about his death were true, showing that God really is omniscient

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10.4.8 Sermon of the mount - Money

Christians use the teachings as a guide for living because:

1) They learn not to make their money their world. Matthew teaches that "No one can serve two masters...You cannot serve both God and money"

2) Teachings remind Christians how easily they can be distracted by wealth and forget about Gd, Matthew teaches that it is harder for a rich person to enter the Heaven

3) It teaches Christians that they shouldn't hoard money, as money doesn't last for ever instead use their wealth to help their neighbours.

4) It teaches that earthly possessions don't last forever,

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10.4.9 Sermon of the mount - Judgement

Christians use these teachings as a guide of living:

1) Before Christians try to critcise other people, they should think about the sort of things they do. Before they try and critcise someone.

2) They do not get involved in courts as they are judging people, by doing so.

3) Christians use the teachings of Jesus to think about the final judgment.Jesus taught those who judge should be prepared to be judged themselves.

4) To get their priorites right, it teaches that they should try and focus on improving themseleves rather than picking on the small things.

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10.4.9 Sermon of the mount - Golden Rule

Why Christians use the teaching as a guide for living?

1) The Catechism tecahes that the Golden rule helps Christians to work out how to behave in difficult situations.

2) You will be judged on how you lived and treated others.

3) The teaching comes from God and therefore must be followed the world would be a better place.

4) The Golden rule is a simple guideline, which is an easy teaching to apply to all situations.

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10.4.10 Why Catholic organisations relieve poverty

St Vincent de Paul relieves poverty and suffering because:

1) In the New Testament teaches that the riches should use their wealth to help the poor therefore, obeying what is being said.

2) In the Parable of the Sheep and Goat it teaches those who help the poor will be rewarded and those who dont will be punished.

3) By helping the poor for example by orgainsing drop in centres, you are therefore, obeying Jesus' greatest commandment to love your neighbour.

4) In the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus taught that Christians should share their time and possessions to help the poor.

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10.3.7 Features of the Catholic Church

1) The altar is important because, it is where the priest takes the place of Jesus when he turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus

2) The Baptismal font is important because, it reminds Catholic that baptism is what makes a person a member of the Church.

3) The statues are important because, they are visual aids to assist worship, and remind the laity about the various beliefs in Mary and other saints

4) The crucifix is important because, it is a rmeinder how Jesus sacrifced his life to save us from sin

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10.3.7 Features of the Catholic Church

1) The altar is important because, it is where the priest takes the place of Jesus when he turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus

2) The Baptismal font is important because, it reminds Catholic that baptism is what makes a person a member of the Church.

3) The statues are important because, they are visual aids to assist worship, and remind the laity about the various beliefs in Mary and other saints

4) The crucifix is important because, it is a rmeinder how Jesus sacrifced his life to save us from sin

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10.3.7 Features of the Catholic Church

1) The altar is important because, it is where the priest takes the place of Jesus when he turn the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus

2) The Baptismal font is important because, it reminds Catholic that baptism is what makes a person a member of the Church.

3) The statues are important because, they are visual aids to assist worship, and remind the laity about the various beliefs in Mary and other saints

4) The crucifix is important because, it is a rmeinder how Jesus sacrifced his life to save us from sin

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