


1810 - 1893



Ebner-Eschenbach (1830 - 1916) - Austro-Hungarian Empire

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19th Century

  • Germany shift from rural to industrial society
  • industrialisation
  • urbanisation
  • prolatarianisation
  • Post-Napoleonic period 1815 onwards
  • 1830 - revolutions - conservative reinforce position
  • 1860s and 70s - Prussian influence

Nationalist tendancies

March 1848 revolution - watershed for how we talk about period. 

  • 1815 - 1848  --- Vormärz   ---- Biedermeir - bourgeois middle-class German values, heavy furniture, family centred, idealistic, sentimental
  • Nachmärz --- realism
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Paradoxes of realism:

  • relationship between art and reality
  • artistic movement in Europe in second half of Century

Realism is art:

  • liberal, middle-class
  • aware of social under-class and socio-economic misery
  • Social Darwinism
  • period of empire
  • classification, intellectual hierarchy
  • physical laws of cause and effect
  • imperical science 

Use literary texts like an experiment

Germans - poetic realism 

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Ohne Liebe

  • normally 3 people involved
  • never simple
  • wrong person first, then right person

Absolutely classic love story which bears title 'Ohne Liebe' because not married for love but rather for sympathy and friendship 

Too much love / indulgence - negative influence on behaviour of people especially children

Central female character in charge

Importance of set:

  • each character = important social types
  • Rüdiger - unsuitable suitor - bourgeois, not self-aware, loses countenance
  • Marko - down to earth, worked on estate, authority from living in real world
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The Novella

  • restricted
  • turning point
  • central symbol
  • conflict
  • drama
  • realistic
  • imaginable
  • concentrated special
  • language 
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Central Symbol in Ohne Liebe


Positives and negatives of love

What love can do 

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Restriction in Ohne Liebe

  • one place
  • one day
  • not many people
  • classical unities
  • one plot 
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Turning Point in Ohne Liebe

  • Gräfin and the child
  • The childs arrival
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Conflict in Ohne Liebe

  • Rüdiger wants to marry Emma but she does not want to marry him
  • Emma and Gräfin - who she wants to marry
  • Gräfin and Rüdiger - over the child
  • Rüdiger and Marko - over Emma 

In each scene there is a particular battle 

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Drama in Ohne Liebe

  • understand the whole play for staging and gestures without needing discourse
  • play 
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Unerhört, Realism and Careful Construction


  • behaviour of woman (Emma)
  • independant (majorly revolutionary)
  • choosing husband
  • no parents especially father 


  • spoilt child of grandmother
  • social family environment

Carefully constructed

  • symbolic meaning in speech and expression 
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Ohne Liebe

Does all the things a Novelle should do but in a dramatic way

Ohne Liebe forces you to understand what is behind each gesture and what is happening on stage 

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