  • Created by: CPev3
  • Created on: 08-04-21 00:16

Ionising radiations

Ionise atoms by removing some of their electrons, leaving positive ions


  • Alpha
    • 1 alpha particle = 1 helium nucleus = 2 protons + 2 neutrons
    • +2e
  • Beta-minus
    • Fast-moving electrons
    • -e
  • Beta-plus
    • Fast-moving positrons
    • +e
  • Gamma
    • High-energy photons
    • 0e
    • λ < 10-13 m
    • Travel at the speed of light
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Effect of electric fields

Uniform electric field provided by two oppositely charged parallel plates

  • Alpha particles: deflected towards the negative plate (↑ mass so ↑ deflection)
  • Beta-minus particles: deflected towards the positive plate
  • Beta-plus particles : deflected towards the negative plate
  • Gamma rays: uncharged so not deflected
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Absorption of ionising radiations


  • Large mass and charge so strongly ionising
  • Short range in air
  • Completey absorbed by paper



  • Small mass and charge so less ionising
  • Longer range in air
  • Mostly absorbed by aluminium



  • No charge so even less ionising
  • Count rate decreases exponentially with thickness of lead absorber
  • Mostly absorbed by lead
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Dangers of radioactive sources

  • Ionising


  • Can cause damage to living cells


  • Store in lead-lined containers


  • Use a pair of tongs with long handles to keep them away from your body


  • Wear gloves
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Alpha decay

AZX → A - 4Z - 2Y + 42He


  • 2 protons + 2 neutrons removed from the parent nucleus
    • Atomic number decreases by 2, so the element is different
    • Nucleon number decreases by 4
  • Total atomic and nucleon numbers conserved
  • Energy released
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Beta-minus decay

AZX → AZ + 1Y + 0-1e + ve


  • Caused by the weak nuclear force
  • Too many neutrons for stability- a neutron decays into a proton
    • Atomic number increases by 1, so the element is different
    • Nucleon number stays the same
  • Total atomic and nucleon numbers conserved
  • Energy released
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Beta-plus decay

AZX → AZ - 1Y + 01e + ve


  • Caused by the weak nuclear force
  • Too many protons for stability- a proton decays into a neutron
    • Atomic number decreases by 1, so the element is different
    • Nucleon number stays the same
  • Total atomic and nucleon numbers conserved
  • Energy released
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Gamma decay

AZX → AZX + ɣ


  • When a nucleus has surplus energy following an alpha or beta emission
    • Atomic number stays the same, so the element stays the same
    • Nucleon number stays the same
  • Energy released
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Why is radioactive decay random?

  • We cannot predict
    • when a particular nucleus will decay
    • which nucleus will decay next


  • Each nucleus has the same chance of decaying per unit time
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Why is radioactive decay spontaneous?

The decay of nuclei is not affected by

  • the presence of other nuclei
  • external factors such as pressure
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Average time taken for half the number of active nuclei in a sample of an isotope to decay


N = No x 0.5n 

  • N = final number of nuclei
  • No = initial number of nuclei
  • n = number of half lives


t1/2 = 0.5N

∴ N decreases exponentially with t

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  • Rate of decay of nuclei


  • Number of alpha/ beta/ gamma particles emitted per unit time
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Decay constant

Δ∝ NΔt

  • ΔN = number of nuclei decaying
  • N = number of undecayed nuclei
  • Δt = time


ΔN / Δ∝ - N

  • - shows that N decreases as t increases


ΔN / Δt = rate of decay of nuclei = activity


A = λN

  • A = activity
  • λ = decay constant (probability of decay of an individual nucleus per unit time)
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Exponential decay equations

A = ΔN / Δt and A = - λN

ΔN / Δt = - λN

N = Noe-λt


A = Aoe-λt

C = Coe-λt

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Determining half life

N = No / 2 when t = t1/2


No / 2 = Noe-λt1/2


1/2 = e-λt1/2


2 = eλt1/2


In(2) = In(eλt1/2)


In(2) = λt1/2 as In(ekx) = kx

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Carbon-dating part 1

C-12 = stable isotope

C-14 = unstable radioactive isotope (t1/2 = 5730 years)


C-14 formed in upper atmosphere

147N + 10n → 146C + 11p

n formed from collisions between high-speed protons in cosmic rays from space and atoms in upper atmosphere

t1/2146C → 147N + 0-1e + ve


C-14 required by plants for photosythesis

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

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Carbon-dating part 2

C-12 : C-14 = 1.3 x 1012


The same in all living things and the upper atmosphere


When things die, they stop taking in carbon

Amount of C-12 stays the same

Amount of C-14 decreases over time

Ratio decreses over time


Time since the organism died determined by comparing the C-12 : C-14 ratios of the dead and similar living material

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Limitations to carbon dating

  • Assumes the ratio of C-12 : C-14 has remained constant over time


  • Increased emission of CO2 due to burning fossil fuels may have reduced the ratio


  • Natural events such as volcanic eruptions may have reduced the ratio


  • The small amounts of C-14 in organisms means that the activities are extremely small
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