psychology; Biological model evaluation

psychology; Biological model evaluation

  • Created by: Sian
  • Created on: 21-04-12 12:46

psychology; Biological model evaluation

psychology; Biological model evaluation

-Scientific; provides evidence to support/deny theory

-Good reliability of diagnoses (ICD 10-diagnostic manual of symptoms but ROSEHAN 1973 'sane in insane places')

-More Humaine? ie; doesnt blame demons or mental weaknesses. theres a physical cause

-If you can find a biological cause ->posibility of a biological treatment/cure being developed. drugs are effective.

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psychology; Biological model evaluation

psychology; Biological model evaluation

-ignores effect of enviro, family, childhood experiences, social situation.

-not simple link between cause & effect
          -some Schizophrenics have reduced dopamine levels in part of brain; not all MZ's develop schi'nia if twin has it-not 100% concordance rate

-doesnt explain sucsess of purley psychological treatments

-treats symptoms, not causes ->revolving door syndrome. paitents treated->discharged->more symptoms->readmitted

-individuals dont take responsability for negative behaviour

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psychology; Biological model evaluation

psychology; Biological model evaluation
Diathesis- stress model

-genes make you susceptable to condition but disorder only develops if exposed to, say, stressfull life conditions.

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