Psychological Abnormality; What makes people ill?

Psychological Abnormality; What makes people ill?

Young people sometimes experience a range of mental health difficulties, the following few slides are filled with definitions are linked to the most common illnesses linked with teenagers and young adults.
There is also an overview of the biological cognitive and behavioural reasons aswel and the psychodynamic explanations of mental abnormality

  • Created by: Sian
  • Created on: 08-04-12 14:47

Mental Illness and young people; overview of commo

Psychological Abnormailty;- Mental illness and young people.

Young people sometimes experience a range of mental health difficulties, the following few slides are filled with definitions are linked to the most common illnesses linked with teenagers and young adults.

SCHIZOPHRENIA; characterised by major abnormailities of thinking, beliefs and perception. Suffers often lose insight and contact with reality. often asociated with a 'split' mind.

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder); finds it hard to settle down to a task and pay attention, this often leads to disruption to others or often damage their possesions.

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Mental Illness and young people; overview of commo

Psychological Abnormailty;- Mental illness and young people.

ASPERGERS SYNDROME; often failing to use non-verbal expression or to recognise it in others. Sometimes they engage in repetitives and ritualistic activities. Often lack empathy and find it hard to make friends

ANOREXIA NERVOSA; deliberatly and often secretly restricking food intake with teh intention of loosing weight, often without need to.

OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder); Distressing thoughts and rituals often necessitatating repeating behaviours such as checking and washing hands

PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder); Recurrent dreams and recollections of a past event, avoiding specific activies, people and events.

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Mental Illness and young people; overview of commo

Psychological Abnormailty;- Mental illness and young people.

ANXIETY; seeing the world as threatening, unable to relax and worrying excessively

CONDUCT/ANTISOCIAL DISORDER; unable to control behaviour and obey accseptable rules. characterised by a defience of authority and challenging sometimes destructive behaviour.

DEPRESSION; strong feelings of sadness. loss of pleasure or intrest in things they once enjoyed. often feel worthless and without hope.

SELF HARM; deliberately and repeatedly hurting oneself by cutting, burning or hitting

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Psychological Abnormailty;- Mental illness and you

There are four explanations of Mental abnormailitys;


The explanations of these are stated in a seperate set of cards.

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