Promoting Quality Care

These are the revision cards for Unit 1


Effects on a service user



Low self-esteem




Feel equal


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Geographical - not knowing the way or if the service is too far away

Physical - People with mobility problems E.G Wheelchair users

Language - May not know the language E.G may be embarrassed at not understanding the GP's diagnosis

Psychological - Worry of the diagnosis they may receive and the attitudes toward their own health

Financial - No financial support or cannot afford transport

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Care Values

Promoting equality and diversity - 

  • Everyone must be treated fairly
  • No stereotyping or prejudice

Promoting individual rights and beliefs -

  • Having the right to be different
  • to be protected from harm
  • to be involved in decisions that affect them

Maintaining confidentiality -

Everybody is entitled to having confidential documents, but everything should be kept on a 'need to know' basis. confidentiality may be broken if:

  • The service user is at risk of harming themselves or others
  • The service user is or has broken a law
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Code of practice benefits

  • Free from harm
  • They know their rights
  • Prevents discrimination
  • Everything is controlled
  • Guidelines to be carried out
  • Lets them feel safe
  • Promotes equality
  • System of redress
  • Everything is confidential
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Access of services

Self referral - Gaining access to a service by contacting them yourself 

E.G ringing the doctor to make an appointment to see the GP

Professional - If someone within the service refers you to a specialist

E.G if your arm is broken then the GP will refer you to have an x-ray

Third Party - when a person refers someone to a professional

E.G if you're really ill, your mum may contact the GP for you

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Types of discrimination

Direct - Discrimination when one person is being treated worse than the others

E.G. telling members of staff that compulsory retirement is 55 or turning the Asian man down for a job because he won't fit in with the rest of the team

Indirect - Where everyone appears to be treated the same but the law being used disadvantages one group over another

E.G. everyone must be over 6ft to work here or if someone doesn't get the job because they are Pakistani and that is shown on their application form

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Primary and secondary socialisation

Primary - Family

Family can influence because children often mimic the way their parents are because they are like role models

Secondary - Peers, media

These can influence because of things like peer pressure annd media incluence children's responses and general attitudes to things

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Every Child Matters - 0-19 Victoria climbie has 5 outcomes and covers a wide age range:

  • Be healthy
  • Be safe
  • Achieve a positive outcome
  • Achieve economic wellbeing
  • Enjoy and achieve

POVA - vulnerable adults

  • defines different types of abuse
  • they feel more secure
  • a full CRB check can take 4 months
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More legislation

Disability discrimination act -

  • Defines what a disability is
  • Provides equal opportunities
  • Makes reasonable adjustments E.G ramps
  • Allows more independence

Race relations act - Minority ethnic groups

  • Gives them a place to go
  • Court costs
  • Racism is hard to prove
  • Stephen Lawrence case - stabbed at bus stop

Sex discrimination act -

  • E.g. not getting a job because you're a male
  • getting superior placements in jobs because of your sex
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Wall Displays - different cultures and info from around the world

Staff - speaking different language to facilitate everyone

Food - from around the world E.G hindus, no beef

Facilities - Prayer rooms for religious people

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Sam Morran


Some excellent basics that everyone should know.  Useful for everyone to revise from.

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