physical geography


natural hazard

a natural hazard is a natural process that causes death or injury to people or properties. 

Type of natural hazards.


volcano eruption 


wild fire.

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tectonic hazards.

destructive plate boundary: this is where the oceanic plate and continental plate meet. because the oceanic plate is heavy it sinks the oceanic plate sinks down it rubs against each other creating friction. as friction is created the rocks will start to melt creating new magma. this causes a violent volcanic eruption.

collision plate boundary: where two continental plate boundary meets. this causes mountain range as the plates are forced upwards.

conservative plate boundary: where two plates are moving side past each other. plates are not smooth so they get stuck. this creates an earthquake.

constructive plate boundary: this is when two oceanic plates move apart from each other, this creates a gap so magma rises and fills the gap.

As heat rises from the Earth's core, it sets off convection currents in the mantle which allows plates to move and is the movement that sets off earthquakes and volcanic erruptions.

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happened in 2010 in the capital city of Port Au prince 

had a magnitude of 7.0.

primary effect.

220000 people died and 300000 injured,

200000 homes were destroyed in port au prince and 1.3 million people were homeless.

the port was destroyed.

secondary effect.

2 million people were left without food and water

there were so many dead bodies in a street leading to disease such as cholera

infrastructure was damaged so no aid could get through.

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people helped their self and others

aid was slow arrived as infrastructure was destroyed. 

field hospitals were set up. 


new homes are still not being built.

 88% of the rubbish is still not set up. 

rescue missions are made after 2 days.

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iceland VOLCANO

primary effect

ash clouds formed and covered the sun. 

100000 planes were cancelled. cost of 5.2 billion

release of sulphur in the air. 

seconary effect 

flight cancelled as to avoid an accident. 

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Casestudy: Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland

Plate boundary: Constructive

Plates: North American and Eurasian

Dates: 20th March 2010 (eruptions began), 14th-19th April 2010 (new explosive phase)

Primary impacts: ash covered everything, farmland ruined, ash cloud, 800 people were         evacuated                                                                                                                           lava and ash have nutrients = fertile soil, rocks can be used for buildings                                       

Secondary impacts: eruption occured beneath a glacier, it melted = flooding, water supplies contaminated with fluorine                                                                                                  Eyjafjallajokull has become a tourist attraction, geothermal energy                                         can be used for electricity and hot water

Responses: Emergency services and residents were prepared, good warning system in place, high-tech equipment used, residents evacuated quickly, further research carried out.

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mount merapi ALL

primary effect:

ash clouds covered the villages.

over 200 people died. 

sulphur dioxide was blown across inonshia.

secondary effect. 

water was polluted.

price of the crops went up because if the damage to the crops.

emergency shelters were moved 15 km away. 

immediate response. 

people helped others.

over 200 evacuation camps were set up.

Long-term response.

over 2000 people have to be moved to a safer place.

the evacuaton centre was set up 

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new Zealand . ALL BIO DATA

Primary effect 

christ church collapsed.

under 200 people were killed and 3000 people were injured.

water and sewage pipes were destroyed.

Secondary effect 

people were affected mentally by the earthquake.

water supply was cut for half of the city.

80% of the city had no electricity.

Immediate response 

people were informed before. 

aid was provided 

long-term response 

water and sewage as repaired 

rebuilding buildings,

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