Physical Education


Key Concepts+Key Processes

Key Concepts

Competence- learned the correct skills- become automatic. Performance- how well task is completed. Creativity- using your imaginationg and trying new things out. Healthy Active Lifestyle:- links between physical activity and health.

Key Processes

Developing Skills- co-ordinate the throw up in tennis serve and the body movements to hit the ball successfully.

Making and Applying Decisions- select tactics, stratergies, and compositional ideas. skills in trampolining.

Developing Physical and Mental Capasity- strength, speed, stamina and flexibility to cope with different activities.

Evaluating and Improving- Analyse performances and improve next time. 

Making Informed Choices about HAL- food choices, exercise per day/week etc...

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Fundamental-M-S+Methods of Learning Skill

Running- 1500m/100m

Throwing- Shot Putt

Kicking- Football Penalty

Jumping- Long Jump

Hitting- Tennis serve.


Practice and Rehersal- Repetitive drills, which make movements automatic.

Trial and Error- Making it up and learing from yourself, 9may be the wrong technique you are learning!)

Copying others- Watching how a performer does the skill and copying them. Watching a footballer do a free kick and copying it afterwards to get the best results.

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Continuous FB- rolling feedback which happens within the event, which can be constant. C or P

Terminal FB- after event

Knowledge of Results- performer gets info on final result, e.g. 100m sprint time, was it good or bad???

Knowledge of Performace- how well tohe movement is being executed rather that final result.

Extrinsic FB- outside yourself, e.g. coach or teammates. 

Intrinsic FB- inside yourself

Positive FB- Reinforces learning skill and gives info about a successful outcome. 

Negative FB- Unsuccessful outcome

C- coach

P- Performer

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Goal Setting- Smart


S Specific- goals are clear and umambiguous they are more likely to be attained.

M Measurable- This is so you can monitor the goal and keep track on progress, also makes you accountable.

A Agreed- The sharing of goals between parents, personal trainers, coaches, and other performers can create a sense of teamwork and togetherness. 

R Realistic- The goal will not be met if you do not feel it can actually be reached. 

T Timed- Having a set end date can give motivation to perform to that date as well as do as much as possible within the date. ST and LT Performace+Outcome gls. 

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Decision Making- Roles and Decisions?

Role of a performer- to choose whether to pass or shoot at goal in a football match.

Role of an official- being able to choose whether to give a yellow or a red in a hockey match.

Role of a coach. Choosing whether to take of one player or another in a rugby match.

Official- To cheak equipment, playing surfaces, to have fair play, the safety of performers, control, rules and regulations and spirit of the game. ('safe and fair')

Performer- To play fairly and to the spirit of the game. 

Coach- Talk to individuals as they train. Positive comments more that neg ones. Use your voice and tone to not shout too often. Donmt not pick or embarras players. 

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Sportsmanship (Etiquette)

Shake hands with opponent before/after the game.

Thank everyone after the game.

Show concern for injured players

Never swear or be abusive.

Do not stretch the rules for your advantage

Do not over celebrate when winning/scored

Take defeat well, dont sulk

Take others into consideration when participating.

proud competitive ambitious courageous brave tough resilient gracious generous fair respecting  honest courteous polite cheerful Spirit of the game 

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Components of Fitness

Cardiovascular Fitness- Cooper 12 min run/ Bleep Test- Not getting tired by the end of the day Set up a 400m track, start a timer and do as many laps of the track as possible, stop after 12 mins and record how many you did.

Muscular Endurance- Press ups to max/ Sit ups- Walking up the stairs Get down on the floor into pres up position, get someone to start a timer and count how many you do in 1 minute. 

Speed- 30m Sprint test- Running for the bus Set up 2 cones 30m apart, have a stopwatch and have someone time you run as fast as you can between them.

Strength- Grip Dynometer- Lifting heavy boxes Hold the grip dynometer and press down for 2 secondss, read the scale afterwards

Flexiblilty- Sit and Reach test- Tying shoe laces Sit down on the floor with your legs out straight and sit up. Have a box lay against your feet and attatch a ruler on your side of the box, lean forward with your hands and read how faryou get your hands.

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Warm Up and Cool Down

Static- On the spot. Dynamic- Moving. Pulse Raiser- Jogging. Sport related Activity- Football- Passing drills

Warm Up

Increase elasticity in muscles

Increase HR

Increase muscle tempurature

Prepare for the onset of exercise- Mental Perparation.

Cool Down

Lactic Acid removal

Tempurature of muscles returns back to normal

Breathing rate AND Heart rate return to normal

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Major Functions

To give shape and support to the body. Enabling good posture

To allow movement

To protect internal organs such as, heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.

To produce red and white bood cells

To store minerals

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Types of Joint + ROM

Hinge Joint- Knee Joint

Ball and Socket- Hip joint.

Ranges Of Movement

Flexion- Decrease in an angle around a joint.

Extension- Increase angle around a joint

Abduction- Movement away from the middle of the body

Adduction- Movement towards the midline

Rotation- Turns around a joint.

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Skilled Movement

Fluent- Flows together- Gymnastics routine

Efficient- Minimal Effort needed to succeed- Tennis serve

Pre Determined- Rehersed- Dive (Swimming)

Aesthetically Pleasing- Looks good- Cricket shot looked good '6'

Co-Ordinated- Links together- Floor routine

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Health Screening

Family Heritage- Does your family carry a genetic disease which could limit participation. Could do Cooper 12 min run or Bleep test. (Measure HR) 

BMI- Body Mass Index. Height2 Divided by Weight (Kg) Not in proportion to muscle.

ParQ- Questionaire on smoking, alcohol, levels of exercise, diets. 

'Health Screening'- Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol

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