PE revision Principles of training


FITT Principle

F=Frequency of activity- how often you do the exercise

I=Intensity of activity- how hard you complete the exercise

T=Time spent on the activity- how long you should exercise for

T=Type of activity you do- what exercises you complete

these principles will help you to plan your on training programme, all halping to ensure you overload when exercise, aiming to improve your health and fitness, dependent on how you structure your routine.

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Sport- five principles of training

S=Specificity/ individual needs- every person is uniqe, this must be considered when planning a training programme, this must be suited to the themselves and the sport the compete in.

P=Progression- this is steadily increasing the amount of training that you do.

O=Overload- this is the principle of making your body work harder than it normally would

(progression and overload link and both must be gradual in order to improve health and fitness)

R=Reversibilty- simply if u dont use it you will lose it, either due to injury or lack of time etc

T=Tedium- the time you spend training must also must be interesting in order to be useful, as boredom can affect performance.

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Rest and Recovery/ RICE

Rest and Recovery: Recovery is the time needed for your body to repair any damage caused by physical activity. rest periods must be allowed in any training programme as this is the time in which recovery occurs.

R-Rest> stop immediately and rest the injury , as continuing may worsen the injury.

I-Ice> Apply ice to the injured area this makes blood vessels contract in order to stop internal bleeding or swelling.

C-compression> Bandaging the injury will also help to stop any swelling, but be aware that too tight will stop the blood flow

E-Elevation> support the limb at a raised level(above the heart) the flow of blood reduces due to it having to work against gravity.

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Warm up, Cool down

Warm Up: prepares your body for exercise.

1)increasing the blood flow to the muscles, preparing them for the work theyre required for later on.

2) stretches the muscles, moves the joints and increses flexibilty, preparing for work, less injury risk.

3) helps to increase the strenth and speed of the muscle contractions.

4) concentrate and prepare the mind for the work due.

Cool Down: gets your body back to normal.

1)helps replace the oxygen in your muscles , and gets rid of lactic acid and other waste products that could potentially cause stiffness later on.

 2)helps prevent injuries and soreness on the following day.

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