
Fitness Components

Cardio-vascular fitness : A measure of how efficiently your body can deliver oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, to your working muscles durning exercise, and also carry away waste products; such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Strength : The amount of force a muscle can generate when it contracts to overcome resistance.

Musclular Endurance : A measure of the length of time your voluntary muscles can contract without getting tired. This can be repeated muscle contractioms or one contraction held for a long period of time.

Flexibility: The ability of your joints to move through their full range of movement

Body Composition : A measure of the fat, muscles, bone, water and vital organs that make your body weight

Agility: A measure of how quickly you can change the position of your body while keeping your body under control.

Balance: Your ability to keep your body steady both when in a static position and moving

Co-ordination: The ability to move 2 or more body parts together, accurately and smoothly.

Reaction time: The amount of time it takes you to respond to a stimulus.

Speed: The rate at which your body, or a part of your body is able to perform a movement

Power: The ability to combine strength with speed to perform a strong muscular contraction very quickly.

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Fitness Tests


  • Shuttle run test (25 yards), zig zag test, quick feet test, side-step test


  • Standing stork test


  • Alternate hand wall toss test

Reaction time

  • Ruler drop

Body Composition

  • Skin fold test
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