Passport to Pimlico: The Siege of Burgundy


Rapidly changing ideas

How does Auric create a sense of fast changing pace?

  • Short, repeated motifs (scalic) bars 1-4 and 5
  • Changes of key: E maj bars 1-8 and G maj bar 9
  • Changes of texture and instrumentation bars 13-20
  • Chromaticism in bassoon bar 22
  • Harmonies to enliven chords: perfect cadence with added E at bar 12
  • Mainly Image result for quaver note ( and Image result for semiquaver note (
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Bars 1 to 20

Opening headline: 'BURGUNDY BOMBARDED WITH BUNS' accompanied by fanfare in E maj. Contains loud trills on tonic and dominant.

Descending horn scale in bar 1 repeated in bar 2, repeated in bars 3 and 4 in free diminution.
Motif at bar 5 based on tonic chord of E maj. Bar 7 cellos and basses use the same rhythm and bar 8 is a perfect cadence. Bar 9 into G major and bars 9-10 clarinet trills and leaps.

Link bars 13-14 with an inverted tonic pedal, brass entry on F# to offset. Bar 15 bare octaves introduced in a scale based motif and strings and wind alternate in antiphonal exchanges.

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Bars 20 to end

Bar 20 conclusive cadence in B maj as the political debate concludes. Bars 21-23 bassoon motif based on tonic triad with chromatic auxiliary notes.

Bar 33 key of C maj and bassoon motif in the high woodwind. Bar 39 the music from 9-12 is heard and bars 43-46 the music from bars 5-8 is heard.

Fanfare in 49-50 is interrupted by a suspense motif (low tremolo). Bar 54 original harmony resumed,

Final cadence in C maj interrupted with F#. Helicopter motif played with pizz strings and celeste. One bar motif in 55 with two varied repeats.

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