Nitrogen cycle

  • Created by: DBaruch
  • Created on: 25-08-16 20:44

Saprobionts, Extracellular digestion and Saprobiot

  • Saprobionts are organisms that absorb and digest there food outside of there main body for example Fungi
  • Fungi use digestive enzymes to breakdown dead or dieing organisms, the enzymes break down cells to allow the saprobiontic organisms to absorb the nutrients it needs. This is extracellular digestion
  • It all combines to aid saprobiotic nutrition
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Mycorrhizae, Microorganisms and Nitrogen Fixation

  • Mycorrhizal organisms are organisms that grow in the roots of a plant and assist the plant in the uptake of nutrients and help to defend from other fungi in the soil
  • Nitrogen Fixation is the process in which Nitrogen is converted into ammonia
  • Certain microoganisms allow this to occur in the soil in which nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia that plants are able to use to synthesize proteins
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Ammonification, Nitrification and Denitrification

  • After a plant or animal dies it expels waste in the form of organic nitrogen, certain bacteria and fungai can convert this nitrogen into ammonia this is called ammonification
  • Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite which is then oxidised to nitrate, this is an important step in the nitrogen cycle in soil
  • Denitrification is the reduction of nitrates back into nitrogen and the specialsed bacterias use the nitrate as the electron acceptor in the place of oxygen in respiration
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Nitrogen Cycle

Image result for ammonification (

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