
  • Created by: wistuart
  • Created on: 02-02-18 10:22

sensory neurons

Found in the eyes, ears, tounge skin...

they carry nervbe impulses to the brain and the spinal cord.

When the 'sensations' reach the brain they transform into senses such as vison and taste.

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Relay neurones

Found between sensory input and motor neurons output.

Found in the brain and spinal cord.

Allows the sensory neurons and motor neurons to communicate

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motor neurons

Found in the CNS

they control muscualr movement.

When they are stimulated they release neurotransmitters which bind to muscle recepors which trigger movement

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Structure of a neuron

All have dendrites which receive signals from other neurons and sensory receptor cells.

the axon ia a long slender fibre which carries nerve impulses in the form of an electrical current known as action potential

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