Metal types



Ferrous metals

1. Cast iron

  • strong, compression but brittle
    Used for- metal work vices, car cylinder blocks, drain covers

2. Mild steel

  • rusts quick
    Used for- gates

3. Tool steel

  • wrong and hard
    Used for- tools,

4. High speed steel;

  • resistant to wear
  • operates at high speeds (machines)
    Used for- drill bits

5. Stainless steel;

  • doesn't rust
    Used for;
  • cutlery
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Non-ferrous metals

1. Aluminium;

  • polished to a mirror like appearance
    Used for- cooking foil

2. Copper;

  • conductor of heat
  • malleable
    Used for- plumbing and electrical components

3. Tin;

  • malleable
    Used for- coating on food cans

4. Zinc;

  • weak
    Used for- buckets
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1. Brass;

  • 65% copper
  • 35% zinc
  • chromium plated
    Used for- plumbing accessories

2. Pewter;

  • 92% tin, 6% antimony, 2% copper
    low melting point
    Used for- jewellery

3. Casting alloy

  • aluminium, 3% copper, 5% silicon
    Used for- sand casting
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