Merchant of Venice GCSE




. Bassanio asks his friend Antonio for a loan

. Portia is bound by her fathers will and cannot marry who she chooses

. shylock lends money to Antonio with some slightly gory conditions

. Jessica, shylocks daughter, runs away from home to be with lorenzo

. Antonio's investments are sunk and shylock demands his arrest

. Bassanio wins portia as his wife

. Portia, disguised as a lawyer, saves antonio form his bond to shylock

. Bassanio and Portia argue about the loss of a wedding ring

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. bound by fathers will

. doesnt get to chooose who she marries (3 caskets)

. distraught that Antonio is in trouble on bassanios belhalf

. wealthy heiress

. delighted when Bassanio turns up

. witty - when portia talks about her suitors with Nerissa, she is clever and funny in the way she picks out their faults

. Intelligent - portias arguments in court are strong and thought-provoking

. Ruthless - when Shylock asks for money instead of flesh, Portia refuses to let him change the bond

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'God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man'

This is showing her humour. She is saying that the only good thing about the french suitor is that he was created by God

' if thou dost shed one drop of christian blood, thy lands and goods are by the laws of venice confiscate'

This shows her intelligence as she states that no blood was mentioned in the bond so if shylock was to cut a pound of flesh, no blood can spill

' if you had known the virtue of the ring... you would not then have parted with the ring'

This shows her playfulness as she is mocking bassanio by repeating the word ring as he did when first giving it to her.

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. jewish moneylender

. hated by many venicians

. despise him for him culture and religion

. greedy - seems to be more upset about the money that jessica takes from him than his own daughter running away

. Stubborn - when news of Antonios misfortune reaches him, he is determined to get the pound of flesh

. victimised - hated by merchants in venice for his religion and methods of making money

. is he a villain or a victim?

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' I hate him for he is a christian' 

shows Shylock hates Antonio because of his religion (christianity)

' he lends out money gratis, and brings down the rate of usance here with us in venice'

shows his sefish and greedy side as he only sees antonio in light of his own losses

' i'll have my bond, speak not against my bond; i have sworn an oath that i will have my bond'

shows his stubborness and persistance. repeats the word 'bond' for emphasis and power

' i would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys' 

Shylock says this when he learns jessica traded a sentimental ring for a monkey. We see a sentimental side of Shylock here which is rare.

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. invested all money in cargo

. Bassanio ask for a loan of 3000 ducats - antonio offers to act as a bond

. homosexual relationship between Antonio and Bassanio?

. Loyal - Antonio is a good friend to Bassanio and puts his own life on the line to help him

. Honest - antonio does not fight or complain about the gory consequences of the bond but accepts

. generous - we learn from shylock that Antonio often gives loans without interest

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' i think he only loves the world for him'

Salanio says this because he believes Antonio only loves life because of Bassanio. This is in Act 2 scene 8. 

' A goodly man rotten at the heart. O what a goodly outside falsehood hath'

This shows antonios honesty as he accuses shylock of appearing good but acting falsely. Antonio seems to wish for a more honest world.

'grieve not that i am fall'n to this for you'

this shows he's accepting of his fate and is willing to do anything for Bassanio. He says this to Bassanio as his final words. Act 4 Scene 1

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. nobleman in venice

. Antonios best friend

. asks to borrow 3000 ducats from Antonio so that he can go to Belmont and try and win Portia's hand in marriage

. In some views, it suggests that he only wamts to marry Portia for her money

. Others suggest that he had a homosexual relationship with Antonio

. 'to you Antonio, i owe you the most in money and in love'

. spendthrift

. Light hearted

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. Bassiano's friend who accompanies him to the courtroom / Belmont

. Lighthearted 

. makes crude jokes and comments

. Marries Portias lady-in-waiting, Nerissa

. ' let me play the fool. wiht mirth and laughter'

. good humoured

. cheeky

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. Shylocks daughter

. unhappy at home

. prepared to become a christian and leave home

. sneaks away to marry Lorenzo

. takes casket of Shylocks money and jewels

. Shylock is upset

. ' Alack, what heinous sin is it in me to be ashamed to be my fathers child!'

. Determined

. in love

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. gentleman of Venice

. in love with jessica for beauty , intelligence and commitment

. Loves her for money?

. delighted when jessica elopes with him

. 'beshrew me but i love her heartily'

. In love

. Playful

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