
A brief overview of the title


Process of meiosis

  • 2 homologous chromosomes (one from each parent) come together. They then join together by the chromatids an equal amount. This process is called crossing over. Then the chromosomes separate
  • In the second meiotic division, the chromatids (of each chromosome) move apart. This means 4 cells have been produced, and 23 chromatids in each cell

Meiosis produces variation in organisms because the crossing over can happen at any point as long as it is equally segregated.

Meiosis is necessary because if 2 gametes formed together to give way to an offspring, there would be double the amount of chromosomes in the offspring. So if the amount of chromosomes is haploid than the original, the offspring would have diploid amount of chromosomes

Independent segregation is where the homologous series are lined up at random before meiosis, this increases variability in the daughter cells. Just like a pick a mix really

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