Media Language - Moving Image

  • Created by: GeorgeM
  • Created on: 03-04-14 17:29



  • Long Shot - shows a lot of the scene to get perspective
  • Mid Shot - "Head and Shoulders" - used in conversation to show expressions and some background
  • Close Up - Usually on the face of an actor so we can grasp their emotions clearly
  • Extreme Close-Up - Usually to foucs on a specific object in the frame


  • High Angle - give audience a sense of power - makes things in frame small and inferior
  • Low Angle - Gives people or objects in the shot power or importance
  • Eye Level shot - As if the audience are in the conversation, for example.
  • POV shot - We see what a character sees - PEEP SHOW
  • Crane Shot - Camera held from a crane - gives a sense of perspective
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Done after the shooting of footage

  • Trasitions - to get from one scene to another smoothly

Speed of Editing

  • Fast - creates a sense of urgency and/or excitement
  • Slow - creates tension and unese

Editing techniques

  • Straight cut - creates a natural movement between shots
  • Dissolve - Bringing a new shot into focus as the old shot disappears out of focus - both shots will be on screen at same time at some point
  • Fade - Old image gently disappears before the new one gently reappears
  • Wipe - New image comes on in a distinct shape and pushes off old image - commonly used by Star Wars
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Lighting in many moving image texts is used to create a certain mood and gives the text a specific look.

  • High Key Lighting - The frame being lit by multiple lights in the studio or whever - used equally for indoor and outdoor scenes
  • Low Key Lighting - Some areas of the frame are lit more than other areas nd can be used to create shadow and darkness
  • Coloured Lighting - These are specific in giving a particular effect to the scene. Golden glow is often used in texts to create a soft, flattering effect.
  • Diegetic Lighting - Lighting that comes from a source within the scene such as a lamp.
  • Location of the Light Source - Positions of lighting can eb sued for different effects. Up lighting creates strange shadow effects whereas overhead lighting creates a glow over the subject.
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Sound in a moving image text covers everything such as: music, dialogue, sound effects, special effects, voiceover etc...

  • Diegetic Sound - Sound that comes from something in the text
  • Non-Diegetic Sound - Sounds that do not come from an object in the text - such as music of voiceover
  • On Screen sound - Diegetic sound that comes from an object in the frame
  • Off Screen sound - Diegetic sound that comes from an object in the text, but not in the frame
  • Parallel Sound - Sounds or music which matches the action seen on screen
  • Contrapuntual Sound - Sounds or music which does not match the action seen on the screen - Reservoir Dogs uses this - mostly used for comedic effect.
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Everything that can be seen in the image or frame comes under Mise-En-Scene

Some aspects include

  • Location and Setting - The place where the scene is set - usually to add effect or meaning to the scene
  • Set Dressing - how the set is presented to the audience - will incldue props
  • Costume - the clothes the actors are wearing usually show persoanlity or status, as is make-up
  • Casting - The way the actors look in the frame - what sort of "look" do they give off
  • Body Language - The way in which the scene is acted usually adds meanings to the text
  • Colours - the colours will ahve different connotations, which could add further meaning to the text.
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sean fegan 18


Helped meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

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