Media 1 A

  • Created by: Danielle
  • Created on: 31-05-13 18:22

digital technology


- Used normal camera, allowed use to film but low quality in poor light so had to refilm


- Used HD camera, gave us endless opportunities - so used lots of locations


Put thought into camera chose, choose one that suits our needs


- Used Imovie - Ripple effect from 'Flash films' to 'Lime Distribution' - creative effect - 3D


- Used final cut - multiple timeline = endless creativity. 4 screen shot, singers chasing her love


- Editting skills enhanced learnt how to resize, also us editing to connote more to the audience

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Digital Technology


- Use music to convay mood as when scene comes back from chat with ex, whose revealed he has a girlfriend. Music becomes low pitch and fast to reflect her mood - sad, angry


- Edited to the beat, like when singer keeps repeating the word 'Heartbreak' clips change with the beat, clips are 1 - 2 secs long - Bjonberg believed editing to beat was important. Learnt key skills about cropping clips using 'blade' tool and cropping tool


Editting skills have enhanced as now can edit to beat and know how to use tools like 'blade' and how to crop clips to write size. Become more aware of relationship between music and visuals

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Research and Planning


conventions - show main characters and back story - In 'A Cinderella Story' she tells back story of her live through a voice over and about 'evil step mum'

Applied it to our work by showing back story of characters relationship with ex - pic scene


Conventions - artistic - Misha B 'Home run' - glow in the dark, so we used this, to fit artist convention


Research into conventions improved did textual ananlysis on lots of videos, so had better understanding of conventions so were able to use and develop these e.g used artistic convention to spell out bands name in glow in the dark paint

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Research and Planning


- Target audience questionnaires, asked best genre and how many times u watch films, 1/3 said rom-com - so when planning we planned a rom-com


-Target audience questionnaires more relevant questions, what genre like best & what do u like in a music video & why. Said Indie and narrative. Got better info and could plan better so suited audience


- Questionnaire skills improved so asked more relevant questions to enable the text to be more suited to them, meets there needs more precisely

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Research and Planning


Didnt look at any theorist, conventions of characters found miostly naturally pretty no heavy make up, like Amanda Seyfried in Dear John, so our actress was naturally pretty


Looked at Goodwin & Bjonburg, Goodwin - Relationship between music and visuals - when singer sings ' I just keep on running' character runs through each location


More indepth research into text to gain a better understanding. Planned more carefully tried to incoropate main themes

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Flash and camera sound when 'Flash productions' came on - more interesting


Used flash when going from each empty location to emphasize point.


Used edits like flash to add more to narrative, not just to add visual effects


Ripple effect when going to 'lime distrubtions' logo - looks 3D


4 corner scene - running through each location - singer chasing her love


Editing skills enhanced, learnt how to resize and crop clips to aid narrative

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Music changed to low pitch and faster to show emotion of girl after we got audience feedback which suggest the music should diff to make it varied and interesting 


When singer keeps repeating 'Heartbreak' clips changes to beat, clips are 1 - 2 secs long


More aware of how important editting to the beat is, makes it more professional and understand about relationship between music & visuals after background research - wider knowledge

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Real media conventions


Introduce main characters and back story - Found in 'A Cindellera Story' through a voice over she tells her story about her 'evil step mum' -  so we decided to do this by picture scene


Did textual analysis on more then 1 - found artistic shots - Frighten Rabbits 'State Hospitial' video birds flying by camera in sky - singifies freedom - used this in ours - to signify freedom from her?


We looked beyond main conventions & researched shot types - more indepth research skills

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Real media conventions


Typical characters are usually naturally pretty and dont wear any heavy make up like Amanda Seyfried in Dear John. So we chose a naturally pretty actress and don't put much make on her.


We went against music video conventions by not having the band in it, and story bring shown through antagonist by the protagonist. Fits 'Indie' genre though as its all about being individual and unique.


  Researched more widely into conventions in generally of the medium and then when against them to suit genre. Gain a better understanding of genre.

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Real media conventions


Found they present titles in creative ways like in 'The Proposal' they have an actors name appear in mirror. We used the creative ideas and actress name spelt out in toothpaste in sink 


We looked at theorist like Andrew Goodwin - editing on beat was important. So on 'heartbreak'clips changed with beat lasted 1-2 secs long


looked at conventions and theorist to gain a complete understanding about medium - imporved knowledge of music videos 

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