Media Studies Music Theorists

  • Created by: amytse
  • Created on: 24-05-17 19:51

Railton & Watson

Music Video Genre vs Music Genre

The music video is seen to be more important than the music genre. They say that the music is irrelevant.

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Goodwin's Rules

1. The music video follows the genre of the song e.g. rock & performance, pop & image.

2. Relationship between the lyrics and visuals.

3. Relationship between the music and visuals.

4. Record label demands for close ups of the artist.

5. Notions of looking (for our music video CHALLENGE)

6. Intertextuality references.

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Stuart Hall

Reception Theory (Encoding/Decoding)

Code - system of signs - mise en scene and cinematography.

Conventions - general things that are expected in a music video.

There is a preferred reading involved, where the audience can understand the message being shared in the music video.

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Semiotics - study of signs.

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Julia Kristeva

Horizontal Axis - linking between the author and reader.

Vertical Axis - linking texts between other texts.

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