Liberal Reforms

The only reforms included here is the :

  • Causes of the Liberal Reforms (Booth and Rowntree), Boer War 1889
  • Labour Exchange Act 1909
  • Children's Charter 1908
  • National Insurance Act 1911

 This is because these acts profoundly out of all the other reforms positvely impacted the people compared to the others, where I made an advantage and disadvantage table for it.


Labout Exchange Act 1909

Set up so unemployed could register amd employers could find workers across the country

  • 83 Labour Exchanges operationg by February 1910
  • 430 Labour Exchanges operation in UK by 1913
  • 3000 people fixed up with work every day by 1914
  • 1 million workers registered
  • 1914- more than 400 exchanges across the country
  • More efficient than the last system- workers had to go from employer to employer looking for work
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National Insurance Act 1911

Unemployed Benfits: Could claim this for up to 15 weeks. The income was small as it was to help, not just encourage people to avoid looking for work

  • Workers paid 2.5 d per week, employers paid 2d per week and state paid 3d per week
  • Many trades involved, i.e. shiobuilding, mechanical, engineering, construction, iron founding
  • Scheme was compulsory for these trades due to their cyclical nature
  • After 1 week unemployed, insured worker would get a 7s a week for 15 weeks.
  • Workers had to register at Labour Exchange to recieve benefit
  • If dismissed by conduct, no benefit paid

For the first time the government was dealing with not only the effects of poverty but helping people so tht they could avoid falling into poverty in the first place

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Children's Charter 1908

Otherwise know as Children and Young Persons Act: which protected children

  • Illegal for shops selling alcohol, tobaccom fireworks to those under 16.
  • Working hours for children were limited
  • Banned from working certain jobs
  • Gave children a special status as protected persons
  • Parents could now be persecuted for neglect
  • Illegal to insure a child's life
  • Young offenders dealt in special juvenille courts and special homes or  Borstals so they weren't sent to adult prisons where they'd be at risk
  • Probation system set up for children
  • Childcare commitees set up to support famillies where children were suffering from neglect and poverty
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Causes of the Liberal Reforms


  • Seebohm Rowntree and Charles Boot
    • Rowntree found out that 43% of York's population lived below the poverty line
    • Family of 5 (average family) had an income of around £1 a week, so did not have enough money to buy proper food, shelter, and clothing
    • 1902, his huge survey across London found out that 1/3 of londoners were below the poverty line
    • There was a link between poverty and early death
    • If sick or unemployed, families fell into severe poverty so had to go to workhouses
      • Families were split up and work was long and highly tedious
      • Food and clothes were basic
      • Workhouse conditions were hard, and only people really desperate would go there
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Causes of the Liberal Reforms


  • When the Government called volunteers to fight in the Boer War in 1889, 40% OR 2/3 of recruits were unfit for military service.
  • A Royal Commission in 1906 set up to investigate this issue showed similar results
    • Its reccomendation influenced the reform programme in 1906


  • Due to its strong welfare, it was overtaking Britain industrially
  • Made them a threat--> didn't want them to have an industially advance between them

4. STRIKES IN 1910-1912

-The growth of trade unionism meant politicians feared that unless standards of living improved for the workers they might tyrn to communism or rebellion

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National Insurance Act 1911

Sick Pay:

  • Provided compulsory health insurance for workers earning under £160 per year
  • Employee paid 4d, employer 3d and state 2d to provide a sickness benefit of 9 shillings.
    • Worker could recieve up to 10s (50p) a week for a max. of 26 weeks.
  • Free medical treatment was also offered
  • Maternity benefit: 30 s offered
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