

Key features - 

  • takes place in a controlled artificial setting 
  • standardised procedures are used 
  • experimenter will be manipulating the IV and measuring the DV 
  • There should be 2 or more conditions 

Stregnths - 

  • lab studies follw standardised procedures and are therefore easier to replicate 
  • This also means that they have a higher reliabilty 
  • They also take place in a an artificial setting, which means the experimenter has lots of control of the experimenting environment 
  • Internal validity is high 

Weaknesses - 

  • normally one EV is difficult to control 
  • lacks internal validity due to lack of mundane realism 
  • Tasks are often artificial and simplified resulting in low ecological validity and limits generalisability 
  • often uni students are used for the experiments so results are not generlised to target population 
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key features - 

  • experimenter will be manipulating at least one IV and measuring one DV 
  • two or more conditions will be used 
  • participants do not know that theyre in the study 

stregnths - 

  • higher mundane realism so a higher ecological validity 
  • experimenter can control IV to measure the DV 
  • reduced chance of participant effects leading to more valid behaviour 

weaknesses - 

  • it is much harder to control the EV as experimenter doesnt have complete control which can be reduced internal validity 
  • risk of demand characteristics, participants may guess the aims 
  • can raise ethical issues not full consent is given 
  • harder to replicate and therefore less reliable 
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  • Technically not experiments as the experimenter cannot manipulate the IV because they don't have control over the conditions 
  • There are still 2 conditions which they look for a difference between. so they are still experiments 
  • Quasi experiments - resembeling or having some - psychologists can't assign participanst to conditions.

stregnths - 

  • allows research or phenomena that for ethical and practical resons cant be studied any other way 
  • allows psychologists to study real problems/issues 
  • Takes place in natural environment, no directs manipulation or variables, high in mundane realism. 

weaknesses - 

  • IV not directly manipulated, cant draw definitive cause and effect conclusions 
  • participants cant be randomly allocated to groups can't control participant variables
  • replication is very difficult or impossible 
  • issues with generalisability as events arent likely to happen the same 
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