Key Terms

  • Created by: Isabella
  • Created on: 20-05-13 18:00

PM and Cabinet

  • Cabinet government- Cabinet is central to the Government- we have this theoretically
  • Core executive- The PM and top ministers who form the senior cabinet eg. The Chancellor
  • Presidentialism: System of government where government is lead by a person who is both head of state and head of government
  • Collective responsibility: The cabinet take full responsibility for all policies and publicly support all cabinet policies, even if they disagree with them privately
  • Individual responsbility: Ministers are responsible for all mistakes in their department and resign if mistakes are made
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  • Parliament: Part of the political system of the UK, it contains two houses: The Commons and The Lords
  • Westminister model: Parliamentary system of government modelled after UK political system
  • Parliamentary government: Where the executive gains it democratcic legitimacy and is accountable to the legislature- parliament.
  • Presidental government: System of government where government is lead by a person who is both head of state and head of government
  • Fusion of powers: The three branches of government (Executive, Legislature and Judiciary) are interlinked together- UK has this.
  • Separation of powers: The three branches of government are completely separate from each other. US has this
  • Bicameralism: Two houses which provide checks and balances on each other are part of the system (eg. the Commons and the Lords)
  • Accountability: A function of the House of Commons. It is the principle that the Government is held accountable for all their actions.
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The Constitution

  • Constitution: A written statement of citizens' rights
  • Constitutionalism: The idea of having a consitution- part of liberal democracy
  • Codified: A constitution written all in one place, usually entrenched and rigid
  • Uncodified: A constitution written in all different places and usually not protected by law
  • Unitary: Sovereignty is found in only one location, centralised state with national instutions at centre
  • Federal: Sovereingty is divided between central bodies and regional instutions
  • Parliamentary sovereingty: All power lies in Parlament and it is the highest authority in the UK
  • Pooled sovereingty:The sharing of decision making between different states in systems of international co operation- for example, the EU.
  • Devolution: Different parts of country given special powers from the sovereign
  • Quasi- federalism: A constutition which is a mix of unitary and federal
  • Elective dictatorship: Someone who is elected democratically, but are elected so many times it almost like a dictatorship- eg Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair.
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Judges and Civil Liberties

  • Judiciary: Collective term for the justice system in the UK
  • Judcidial independence: The idea that the judiciary is separate from the legislature and executive
  • Judcidial neutrality: The idea that the judiciary is above and beyond politics, they are apolitical
  • Civil liberties: The rights given to citizens by the society (eg voting)
  • Rule of law: Three principles: No one is above the law, Everybody has the right to a fair trial and all justice is dispensed from the judiciary
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