Jane Eyre - Genre


Jane Eyre - Genre 1


  • Shows Jane's journey and growth through relationships,setting,emotion,family,morals etc
  • Shows her internal and external conflict
  • External = conflict of her family and John reed to begin with
  • Internal = believes she sees her uncles ghost
  • Lowood - can control anger and passion after learning through Helen and Miss Temple
  • Thornfield - she feels unworthy of Rochester due to her class and looks as well as their relationship being uncoventional. She feels inferior to Blanche
  • Learns Mr Rochester is married on their wedding day - not wanting to be a mistress
  • Becomes the dominant in relationship - "Reader, i married him"
  • Defeats the stereotypes throughout her journey that women should be restricted as well as gender hierarchy all the way through abuse from John reed,death of her friend, learning her place at school as well as thornfield and being insulted by superiors
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Jane Eyre - Genre 2


  • Unusual for the novel to be a first person female perspective - allows reader to empathise with the protagonist
  • Jane isnt conventionally good looking and niether is her relationship with Rochester
  • Mr Rochester is a flawed hero
  • Bertha as well as Blanche Ingram are the obstacles in the way that she overcomes

Gothic - Romanticism,fiction and horror

  • Usually a creature or ghost.
  • Bertha percieved as a 'beast' and Jane sees her uncles ghost in the red room
  • By the 1840's Gothic novels were in decline as there were more socially realistic novels so Bronte combined realism with this gothic genre
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