Ionic bonding

how atoms combine, whether an ion is a charged atom or groups of atoms and how to recognise ion.

  • Created by: Pinkypops
  • Created on: 24-08-10 12:23

Symbols for elements

The symbol of the elements either just have one capital letter or one capital letter and the rest in small letters. For example:-

Magnesium- Mg

Carbon- C

Hydrogen- H

Zinc- Zn

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Ionic bonding is when an atom of an element wants to lose electron and another atom wants to gain an atom to complete the shell. This transfer of an atom or atoms from a shell of one atom to the shell of another atom is called ionic bonding.


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  • An ion is charged atom or group of atoms.
  • It has a positive or a negative charge.
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There are two reasons why atoms form bond-

  • They have too many electrons but do not have a completed shell.These are metal atoms.
  • They have very few atoms to electrons and need to gain some to complete their shells. These are the non- metal atoms.
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when an atom loses an electron because it has too many electrons a positive ion is formed

whereas, when an atom gains electrons because it has few electrons a negative ion is formed.

We write it as Mg^2+ or Mg^+ or O^2- ....

Dot and cross models are drawn to show the bonding.

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stable octet

When the outer shells are complete with eight electrons on their second and their shells is called stable octet.

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Giant ionic lattice

When positive ions are electro statically attracted to the negative ions.

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OMG! this is so useful, I linked it to my mind map!

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