HEALTHY LIVING- health promotion

all the studies within health promotion to jog brief details from memory for the exam.


COWPE- chip pan fire prevention

Aim: To test the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Method: Quasi-field exp media campaign shown in 10 regional television areas. There were two 60 second commercials on called 'in attendance' one called 'overfilling'. They showed cause of fire and actions required. Analysis of number of chip pan fires reported carried out and surveys.

Results: Net decline in each area and the largest reduction was during the campaign. Overlap areas showed less impact. Questionnaires showed increased awareness from 62% to 90%.

Conclusion: Advertising proved effective as shown by reduction. Viewer less likely to be influenced if overexposed.

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DANNENBERG- bicycle helmet laws.

Aim: To review impact of passing law to promote bicycle helmet use.

Method: Field experiment law passed in Howard County for children U16. Two control groups one already had a campaign to promote use. Questionnaire asking about helmet use and awareness of law etc.

Results: In Howard Country reported usage had increased 11%- 38%. Increased less in other two groups.

Conclusion: Legislation more effective than educational campaigns. However not everyone will adhere to the law.

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JANIS AND FESHBECK- Effects of fear arousel.

Aim: To investigate consequences of fear appeals.

Method: Lab exp, questionnaire given out week before lecture to test dentil knowledge. 15 minute lecture on each group gp1 strong fear appeal, gp2 moderate fear appeal, gp3 minimal fear appeal gp4 functioning of the eye (control). Immediately after given questionnaire and asked about effects of lecture.

Results: Strong fear appeal knowledge only increased by 8% minimal fear group increased by 36%.

Conclusion: Fear appeals can be helpful when changing behaviours but it's important that the level of fear appeal is correct.

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