Grammer Year 9

  1. Du, De la, De l' & Des
  2. Le Passé Composé
  3. L'imparfait
  4. Le Futur
  5. Opinions
  6. Negative Sentences
  7. Useful Words/Sentences
  8. Conectives
  • Created by: KHill
  • Created on: 06-06-11 19:31

Du, De La, De L' and Des

  • If de comes before le they become du

   E.G. A côté du cinéma - Next to the cinema

  • If de comes before la they become de la E.G. En face de la piscine - Opposite the swimming pool
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Du, De La, De L' and Des (cont'd)

  • If de  comes before  l' they become de l' E.G. en face de l'hopital - opposite the hospital
  • If de comes before les they become des E.G. prés des toilettes - Near the toilets
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Le Passé Composé

There are 2 parts to this tense:

1. The auxilary verb (part of the verb Avoir or Être)

2. The Past Participle (P.P)

Forming The P.P Of Regular Verbs

For -er verbs, take off the -er and add -é --> e.g. Regarder = J'ai regardé

For -ir verbs, take off -ir and add -i --> e.g. Finir = J'ai fini

For -re verbs, take off the -re and add -u --> e.g. attendre = J'ai attendu

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Le Passé Composé (Cont'd)

The P.P Of Irregular Verbs

Avoir --> to have -->Eu

Boire --> to drink -->Bu

Écrire --> to write --> Écrit

Faire --> to do --> Fait

Lire --> to read --> Lu

Prendre --> to take --> Pris

Savoir --> to know --> Su

Voir --> to see --> Vu

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Le Passé Composé (Cont'd)

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