Global governance: Global Systems



  • 188 members
  • 44 rich countries to help those in debt 
  • Monitors global economy and advises governments on how they could improve their economic situation - also gives loans to countries with economic problems
  • Based in the USA - led by USA and other developed countries 
  • Less developed countries less influence over decisions 
  • IMF loans are conditional - less developed country has to make changes - such as cutting regulation to make foreign investment easier - in order to receive the loan.
  • Intended to prevent poverty and so limit the spread of communism 
  • Lent out large amounts of money after oil price rise in 70's
  • Promotes trade and employment
  • Only provides loans if it will prevent glibal economic crisis - international lender of the last resort
  • Draws financial resources from the quota subscriptions of member countries 
  • Keeps track of the global economy and the member countries, lending to countries with payment difficulties and giving practical help to members
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