Global Population Change


Demographic transition model

Gloabal popualton is ever changing

Popualtion numbers change as countries go through the demographic transition model, stage 1=high BR, high DR, natural increase slow.         2=high BR, DR falls rapidly, natural increase is rapid      3= BR falling, DR falling more slowly, natural increase is increasing slowly        4=BR low, DR low, naturual increase slow or stable  5= BR very low, DR low, natural inrease

It shows us the stages countries go through (undeveloped to developed). It helps us prediuct what is lightly to happen to popualtion in the future.

Fcators that influence BR are where people live (urban or aggricultural areas) becuase families may need their children to help on the farm/to earn money. Children may die at an ealy age so more people have lots of children in becuase some of them will die at an early age.

Factors that affect DR are health care, disease, poverty, water supply, sanitation.

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Golbal population change

By 2050 Asia is expected to ahve the largest population-become very densely populated and may not have enough resources.

Countries put pro/anti natalist policies inorder to reduce or increase popualtion. Such as China and Italy.

Purchasing power=average amount of money each person in that country earns.

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Developing countries


Lots of births

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