
RUF = area between the city center and the countryside

More houses are need because:

  • more single one parent families
  • people are living longeer
  • people living in smaller family units

Retail in RUF:

  • cheap land
  • room for expansion
  • access to more people
  • big car parks
  • M25 provides eeasy access
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Houses in RUF:

ADV: attractive, more space, peace, clean air, less crime, good environment, easy access, easy access to outer toown developments

DIS: car needed, fewer facilities, limited employment, less facilities for children, Most people now live in rural and travel into urban for work. Large areas of countryside lost.

Green Belt: area of land between city and countryside where development is restricted. Development has jumped the green belt, increasing commuting, relaxed regulations for the M25, increased housing prices because limited housing due to city not expanding, any building of the greenbelt just encourages more.

Use brownfield sites so that land issnt constantly built on, cleaning contaminated sites is very expensive, brownfields tend to be in the wrong place.

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