GCSE Physics unit 1 Revision

GCSE Physics unit 1 revision

  • Created by: Leah
  • Created on: 08-01-11 21:22

The Earth

The rocky crust averages 10-40km deep.

The mantle extends about halfway to its centre.

The core is made mostly from iron, solid at the centre and liquid above.

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The rock cycle

The cycle of changes in rock material, caused by processes such as erosion, sedimentation, compression, and heating.

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Radioactive Dating

Estimating the age of an object such as a rock by measuring its radioactivity. Activity falls with time, in a way that is well understood.

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Continental Drift

All the continents used to be all joined together, forming a single giant continent called Pangaea.

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Seafloor Spreading

There is a chain of mountains on the ocean floor, this is called the ocean ridge.

All seafloor moves away from the ocean ridge.

Therefore seafloor spreading could move continents.

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Tectonic plates

The Earth's crust is made up from a dozen giant slabs of rock and many smaller ones. These are called techtonic plates.

Convection currents on the Earth's sold mantle carry the plates along.

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Making Mountains

Collisions between tectonic plates make mountains. This could happen in 3 ways?

  • An ocean plate dives back down to Earth, volcanic peaks form at the surface.
  • Pushing movement at destructive margins also cause rocks to buckle and fold, forming a mountain chain.
  • Or an ocean closes completely, 2 continents collide slowely. The edges of the continents crumple together and pile up, making mountain chains.
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These are caused by tectonic plates rubbing together.

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These are simply a vent in the Earth's surface that erupts magma.

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Big Bang

An explosion ofa single mass of material. This is an explanation about the start of the universe.

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