French Questions

Asking Questions

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 29-09-09 16:17

Asking Questions

  • C’est quoi? – what is it?
  • Combine? – how many?
  • Combine de temps? – how long?
  • Comment? – how/what ……like?
  • De quelle coleur – what colour?
  • Leque/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles – which one(s)
  • Où? – where?
  • Pourquoi? – why?
  • Qu’est-ce que? – what?/what sort of
  • C’est – is it/that?
  • Tu aimes comme …..? – do you like?
  • Quand? – when?
  • Que? – what?
  • Que veut dire …..? – what does …… mean?
  • Quel/quelle/quells/quelles …..? – what?/which?
  • Qui? – who?
  • Quoi? – what?
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