French Intellectuals


Bernard-Henri Levy

- New Philosopher (anti-marxist; right wing)

- L'idéologie française 1981 (most famous)

- 2003 account finding Daniel Pearl killer

- March 2011 Libya, supported Sarkozy in UN

- Created petition for intervention in Libya - sig. influence on Sarkozy - police shaper?

- May 2011 argued intervention in Syria

- TV personality; media intellectual


- one sided/shallow/egoistic (The Philosophy of War)

- perosnal opportunism?

- French intellectuals = comic when they tried to interfere in foreign affairs

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André Glucksmann

- New Philosopher

- focus on human rights

- strong interventionist (jew in occupied France)

- Godless nihilism (Dostoevsky) - 9/11

- Supports war in Afghanistan/Iraq on humanitarian grounds

- Ouest contre Ouest 2004 - best-seller - first to speak in opposition of Fr refusal to back US

- "Say things people do not want to hear"

- Criticises France's role on an international stage

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Bernard Stiegler

- technology, time, consumerism, consumer capitalism, Americanisation

- leftist critic of consumer capitalism

- Link between social problems (apathy, depression, murder, adhd) and consumer capitalism (advertising)

- short-term buzz addiction - predicted 2008 crisis

- adviser to PM Jean-Marc Ayrault on digital culture

- persuaded Sarkozy to ban ads on TF1 and other state channels

- member of Conseil national du numérique

- prolific book publisher

- Focus on domestic issues of media

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Nicolas Barevez

- Liberal intellectual

- More of a focus on french society

- 2002 La France qui tombe - best seller - analysis of france's decline (French leadership anti-change)

- attorney/economist - strong place in Paris establishment

- Critic of French abstaining from Iraq war

- triggered debate

- 2012 Reveillez-vous!: shock therapy (influence on Sarkozy?)

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Esther Duflo

- Leftist

- economist

- Professor of Poverty alleviation and development economics

- focus on microeconomic issues in dev. countries

- top 100 intellectuals in the world

- influence Bill Gates/Obama

- new face of Left Bank intellectualism

- Poor Economics - best seller

- appears on french tv, but more international scale

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