

Definitions of Forces

Balanced force - equal and opposite forces balance out

Resultant force - all acting forces added together

Air resistance - force that opposes motion through the air (the quicker you travel the grater the air resistance)

Displacement - the distance travelled from the starting point

Acceleration - the rate of change in velocity

Weight - a force that is caused by gravity

Friction - a resistive force that makes things slippery

Upthrust - the upward force that a liquid or gas exerts on a body floating in it

Tensile force - when it's stretched

Compressive force - pushed together

Restoring force - equal and opposite force of the spring

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Weight = mass * gravity         Distance = velocity * time

Speed = distance / time          Force = mass * acceleration

(Spring) Force = stiffness constant * extension of spring (Hooke's Law)

Velocity = displacement / time

Acceleration = change in speed (final - initial) / time taken

Final velocity = initial velocity + acceleration * time taken

Elastic Potential Energy = 1/2 * constant * extension (squared)

Extension = final length - intitial length

Work done = force * distance

Power = work done * time taken

(Spring) EPE = 1/2 force * extension

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Mass= kg

Force = Newtons (N)

Acceleration = m/s (squared)

Displacement = metres or centimetres (m / cm)

Time = seconds / minutes / hours

Speed / Velocity = m/s (V)

Work Done = joules

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