Fiction Text Types


Fiction Text Types

Fiction is usually made up by the writer, they could be based on the writer’s experiences or come from their imagination, sometimes both.

The main types of fiction are:

- Prose

- Poetry

- Drama

Fiction texts are creativeand tend to use Literary Devices.

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For each type of fiction, there are different GenresFor example in prose fiction there are:

- Science Fiction 

- Historical Fiction

- Romance Fiction

- Bildungsroman

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Different forms of prose fiction

Most Prose fiction is presented in the form of a novel, novella or short story.

Prose texts are usually defined by their length, though there are other differences:

Short Storys: Tell a story in a few thousand words, Have a limited amount of characters, Sometimes more about atmosphere than plot, and leave questions unanswered for reader to think about

Novellas: Usually have 1 plot line, not always divided into chapters and inbetween length of short storys and novels

Novel: Relatively Modern form of literature, Often have multiple plot lines which can support or constrast each other, Contain several characters and their storys, divided into chapters and usually dont leave loose ends.

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