english reading

what are non-fiction texts?
a genre of writing based on facts and real life.
1 of 5
what types of non-fiction can you get?
company websites, biographies, news papers, magazines.
2 of 5
key details you need to know...
audience- who is the text aimed at? men or women, adult or youth?
3 of 5
key details continued...
purpose- what is the text trying to do? inform, persuade, argue or advertise?
4 of 5
what are the 4 types of question will pop up?
asking you to... look for info. identify and explain presentational devices. understand and interpret meaning.compare effectiveness of techniques.
5 of 5

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Card 2


company websites, biographies, news papers, magazines.


what types of non-fiction can you get?

Card 3


audience- who is the text aimed at? men or women, adult or youth?


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


purpose- what is the text trying to do? inform, persuade, argue or advertise?


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


asking you to... look for info. identify and explain presentational devices. understand and interpret meaning.compare effectiveness of techniques.


Preview of the back of card 5


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