Family & Households

This is a revision card that looks at Family& Household for the AQA speculation.

  • Created by: feyi
  • Created on: 02-01-13 22:19

Asses the view that industrialisation led to the


Parson – ‘functional fitting’ of nuclear family to industrial society / extended to pre-industrial 


Laslett –alternative  theory Anderson  Young and Willmott  - evolution of the British family 

Key words    Structural differentiation Geographical mobility Social mobility  

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Parson –the family and industrialisation


Parson believed that changes in the structure of society (pre-industrial to industrial) led to change in the family (extended to nuclear)

Extended family was well suited the pre-industrial societies because :

  • Most people worked in agriculture. All family worked the land 
  • Many children stayed on the family land 
  • Roles of the families were based on ascription rather than achievement 
  • Therefore, large families tended to live together across generations 


Industrialisation meant that the economy demanded a more geographically mobile workforce .Similarly, achievement became more important than ascription as education was introduced. This, meant that people were less likely to feel a strong obligation to be near their elders. Nuclear family emerged as people moved away from extended kin in order to take advantage of the job opportunities.

Geographical mobility led to people becoming ‘isolated’ from their relative and less reliant on their kins for economic and social support, therefore led the nuclear to become more dependent and focus on each other. 

Economic process ‘structural differentiation’ meant that specialized agencies took over many family functions such as mass production of the homes and education. This change the function of the family as the nuclear family became consumers and specialized in two essential function: stabilization of adult personality and primary socialisation.

Nuclear family were provided with clear social roles. The male being the ‘instrumental leader’ responsible for economic welfare of the family group and protection of family members. The female is the 'expressive leader’ responsible for socialisation of the family and emotional care.

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Parson –the family and industrialisation part 2

Geographical mobility led to people becoming ‘isolated’ from their relative and less reliant on their kins for economic and social support, therefore led the nuclear to become more dependent and focus on each other. 

Economic process ‘structural differentiation’ meant that specialized agencies took over many family functions such as mass production of the homes and education. This change the function of the family as the nuclear family became consumers and specialized in two essential function: stabilization of adult personality and primary socialisation.

Nuclear family were provided with clear social roles. The male being the ‘instrumental leader’ responsible for economic welfare of the family group and protection of family members. The female is the 'expressive leader’ responsible for socialisation of the family and emotional care.

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