Facon de Parler 1 conversation cards for units 1-3

The cards are aimed at adult learners who are studying with the Facon de Parler 1 course and who are preparing to take the units 1-3 test



Vous parlez avec quelqu'un que vous avez rencontre pour la premiere fois:-

Vous: Say "hello" and ask how your colleague is.

Partenaire: Reply to the greeting appropriately and ask where your colleague lives.

Vous: Say that you live in Lyon, but that you are Canadian.

Partenaire: Say where you live and your nationality, then ask where Lyon is, exactly.

Vous: Say that Lyon is in central France.

Following the same idea, create your own conversation on this topic.

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Vous parlez dans le cafe de l'hotel avec un collegue:-

Vous: Ask your colleague if s/he has any family

Partenaire: Reply that you are married with one son and one daughter. Ask your partner the same question.

Vous: Say that you live in Brussels with your partner, but that you have no children.

Partenaire: Reply (with humour) that s/he has more money than you without a doubt, and a tidier house!

Following the same idea, create your own conversation on this topic.

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Vous etes dans un cafe-bar avec quel-qu'un qui fait le meme stage d'affaires que vous:-

Vous: Say that you think the course is good. Ask your partenaire what s/he thinks.

Partenaire: Say that it's not bad, but that it is the second course which you have done and you would prefer to be at home now.

Vous: Ask where s/he lives.

Partenaire: Say that you live in the south of France, that you have a large family and 2 dogs and 1 cat.

Vous: Ask about the dogs and the cat.

Partenaire: Say that the cat is black and quite small and that the dogs are brown and white and need a lot of exercise.

Following the same idea, create your own conversation on this topic

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In a cafe

Vous et un collegue sont arrives dans un cafe apres une journee difficile, et vous commandez quelque chose a boire et a manger:-

Vous: Ask your colleague what s/he would like.

Partenaire: Say that you will have a pint and a "croque monsieur".

Vous: Say that you will have a glass of white wine and a chocolate "crepe"

Partenaire: The waiter approaches and you place the full order.

Vous: Make an appropritae comment about the day you have had.

Partenaire: Agree, and then say that the drinks are coming!

Following the same idea, create your own conversation on this topic.

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