Extreme Environments

revision cards on extreme environments


Extreme Tourism

Extreme tourism involves a high element of risk and people choose the activity to gain an adrenalin rush or to test themselves

This type of tourism is a niche market and is often quite expensive compared to 'normal holidays' as well as being physically challenging,

Most extreme holidays and activites are advertised on the internet rather than by travel agents or in brochures.

Little investment is needed to set up such trips, the cost of large hotels is irrelevant as part of the experience is sleeping rough and getting away from it all.

The tourism sector in places like Peru and Antarctica is growing rapidly. So called 'adventure tourism' now involves many hundreds rather than previously dozens of people.

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Extreme Environments Case Study

Case Study: Antarctica

  • The number of tourists visiting Antarctica each year is rising.
  • There were 7413 in the 1996/1997 season but 46000 in the 2007/2008 season.
  • Tourists are attracted by the stunning scenery (eg icebergs) and the wildlife (eg penguins and whales)
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Environmental Impacts

1) Tourists can can disturb wildlife and drop litter.

2) There are fears that tourists could accidentally introduce diseases that could wipe out exsiting species.

3) Spillage of fuel from ships is also a worry, especially after the sinking of the cruise ship, MS Explorer, in 2007. Fuel spills kill fish as well as the birds that feed on them (eg pengiuns).

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Mr. Pittaway


Excellent...both breadth and depth shown in this presentation...now... can use use this information in examination conditions?...set yourself the question and try and answer it without referring to your notes

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