Extracting Iron


Extracting Iron

-Iron is the second most common metal in the Earth's crust

-Iron ore contains iron combined with oxygen. Iron is less reactive than carbon so we use carbon to remove oxygen from the iron oxide in the ore 

-Use a blast furnace made of steel, lined with fireproof bricks to withstand the high temperatures inside 

-Solid raw materials used in the blast furnace;

  • Haematite- most common iron ore, contains mainly iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and sand 
  • Coke- made from coal and is almost pure carbon, provides the reducing agent 

-Limestone is also added to remove impurities 

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Extracting Iron 2

-Hot air is blown into the blast furnace, which makes the coke burn, which heats the furnace and forms carbon dioxide;

C + O2 -> CO2

-At high temp, the carbon dioxide reacts again with the coke to form carbon monoxide 

CO2 + C -> 2CO

-The carbon monoxide reacts with the iron oxide, removing its oxygen, and reducing it to molten rock which flows to the bottom of the blast furnace 

Fe2O3 + 3CO -> 2Fe + 3CO2

-Some of the molten iron is left to solidify in moulds, this is called cast iron, it contains about 96% iron 

-Most of the iron is kept molten and turned into steel, by removing the impurities from the iron and mixing it with other elements to change its properties 

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