English revision Cards

cards about poetry cluster

  • Created by: Jade
  • Created on: 31-05-11 13:01


  • Form: The poem is a sonnet, with an unusual rhyme scheme - suggest things are out of balance, uses iambic pentameter and enjambment. is a second hand account - didstances us away from dead king. 
  • Structure: Build up image of statue by foccucing on different parts, it ends by describing enourmous desert - insugnificance of statue.
  • Contrast: between arogant king, thought he was the mightiest ruler, and the powerful destruction of the statue over time.
  • Language: the tyranny of the ruller suggested through angry language
  • Pride - proud of what he acheived
  • Arrogance - thought he was really powerful, and better than anyone who ruled
  • Power - time is powerful, it can destroy many things
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My last duchess

  • Form: dramatic Monologue, first you think the duke s speaking to you -(more powerful). Uses iambic pentameter, enjambment and caesura, ryhyming couplets - make speaker sound educated
  • Structure: goes from one subject to another - suggests he is unstable, we craete an other all impression of him by the cobination of things he says.
  • Staus: The duke cares about how people see him and staus is also important to him
  • Power: feels he needs power and control over duchess, he saw her as one of his possesions
  • Pride: very proud of his possesions - the duchess
  • Jelousy: didn't like the duchess treating anyone else better than him (lines 31-34)
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The River God

  • Form: Dramatic monologue, use rugular rhyming couplets - songlike quality. Uses enjambment - flows like water
  • Structure: beggining presented as friendly and innocent, he becomes threatening and possesive
  • Power: he is desperate and possesive over the women - doesnt want to leave her, foccuses on her face - values her apperance
  • Contrast: the old smeely river to the beautiful women, uses affectionate language and contarst it with harsh reality, makes it more shocking
  • Euphemism: suggests the women is sleeping rather than dead, uses ambiguous language and iamges of love rather than death - suggests he is deluded
  • Love: The river god desires the women, obsessed with her
  • Arrogance: powerful but careless, treats the women as a toy
  • Selfishness: doesn't want to share the women, is possesive over her
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The Hunchback in the park

  • Form: Narrative poem, contains several characters, the hunchback is silent but we access his feelings through the narrator
  • Structure: series of observations, visual descriptions build up the poem to give it a dream like quality
  • Natural Similies: seems to have more in commen with nature than other humans - suggests he is part of the enviroment
  • Mocking Language: the boys mock him, words of natural speech, makes their actiuon seen more realistic and threatneing to the man
  • Loneliness: presented as alone, seperate from the rest of the world, nobody understand him
  • Thoughtlessness: the boys are cruel to him, by mocking him, although they also seem innconet, maybe they are unaware of the consequences of their actions
  • Vulnerability: the vision of the women shows he wants some one to protect him
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The ruined maid

  • Form: dramatic dialogue, uses rhyme to build up lively conversation,it is in ballad form so sounds light hearted, has strict rhyming couplets - strict rules of society make the ballad seem ironic
  • Structure: we don't know how the main character got her riches, the ready is naive like the country farm girl, we gradually get the full story
  • Contrast: the hard life for the country farm girl contrasted with melia's new life also the way the dress and speak
  • Ambiguity: Melia is proud of being ruined beacuse she can rise out of poverty, she mocks the victorian idea that it is better to be moral and poor.
  • Natural speech: rural speech is written phonetically, to emphasise the change in melia's speech, it is ironic she uses rural speech at the end
  • Jelousy: the poor country girl is envious of melia, although melia is runined
  • Pride: she brags about her new wealth, looks down at the country girl
  • Depression: she was depressed with her old hard labouring job and has found something more rewarding to do
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Casehistory: Alison (head injury)

  • Form: Dramatic monologue, stanzas are often broken but linked through enjambment - makes her memories disjointed
  • Structure: begins and ends with isolated lines, alternates between first and third person narrative, this empahasises the seperation of her
  • Contrast: between past alison and present alison, she suffered lots of physical change but also mental damage
  • Pronouns: refere's to her formal self as "she" and only uses "i" to talk about the present, disconected from the person she was before
  • Confusion: she frequently mentions her memory loss causes her confusion
  • Greif: she has to be reminded about her fathers death everyday - she will never get over it. she cannot mourn his death because of her brain damage.
  • Loss: she talks about everything she has lost since the accident, the hopes and dreams she had have now also been lost
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On a portrait of a deaf man

  • Form: written like an elegy, it has a strict alternate rhyming scheme - makes his thoughts seem ordered, it is also very regular - trying to keep his emotions under control
  • Structure: the first 7 stanzas are a first person narrative about his father, he laternates between pleasent and horriable images - shows he can't stop thinking about death
  • Senses: his father is defined as a deaf man in the title, and frequentky mentions the 4 senses to emphasise his fathers connection with the world
  • Contrast: Love for his father is contrasted with the descriptions of death, links them together
  • Bitterness: in the final stanza he is bitter about the way his father has suffered, he angrily accuses god for what has happened
  • Love: he remembers his father with affection, remembering all the things he loved
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Thegirlwhoknewtoomuch - Team GR


thanks very useful, i need all the notes  can get:)

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